Fear Personal Development

Why do some people fear personal development? When this way of life will empower you and help you see that you can be do have anything you desire. The personal development industry is thriving and becoming bigger and bigger every year. However there are still people who fear personal development and tend not to believe some of the principles it teaches.

You must understand that there are people browsing the self help books area in book stores. People are becoming more dissatisfied with their lot in lives; and looking for some way to improve it. You can become a part of the pro-active crowd as we.

There is no reason to fear personal development; the principles are here to stay. If the principles were not delivering peoples goals and dreams; then it would be dwindling in size and becoming more and more popular. However the people who utilize these principles on a daily basis are beginning to live the lives of their dreams and are able to able to live in contentment.

Okay so if it works for some people; why does it not work for others? Have you watched the movie "The Secret?" It will explain in complete detail why this system works for some and why it does not work for others. You attract to you what you put a majority of your focus on. If you constantly fear personal development techniques will not work for you, then guess what you are attracting. You have to be semi selfish when you begin pursuing your goals. Most people always work hard for others because they enjoy helping other people. This is great I am not saying not to help others. However you must feel the same way about yourself, you must be willing to do anything to help yourself to what you desire.

You can turn on the internet and type in the word "personal development" in the google search box; and thousands of links will appear that will take you to things they claim will help you achieve anything you desire. Yes there are all kinds of useful products that will assist people to reach their goals; however are you truly ready to use them? What I mean is yes sometimes we set goals for ourselves; however deep down inside we do not truly believe that we can achieve these goals. You must be totally honest with yourself when you set a goal; do you have the desire to work towards that goal also do an honest insight into your own thoughts and beliefs about the goal.

Can you see yourself with what it is you desire? If not why? Do you feel like you do not deserve that goal? You must figure out what is holding you back from achieving that goal. There is no reason to fear personal development; if you can figure out what beliefs are holding you back then you will be able to utilize the principles to help you achieve whatever it is you desire.