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Mind Tools for Personal Development

Mind Tools for Personal Development.

New breakthrough discoveries by Neuroscience and Quantum Physics have given birth to a whole new technology of tools to enhance and expand our Human Potential. The most powerful mind and meditation tools ever created are now available-and most people have never even heard of this new technology that can unlock the limitless potential of the most powerful force in the universe; ‘our mind’, especially our sub-conscious mind.

Our subconscious mind is responsible for at least 70% of the results in our lives. Our mental programs stored in our sub-conscious mind are made up of our values and beliefs that work like filters, which in turn define our attitude and behavior towards the events in our life, or how we interpret ‘reality’.

Since most self-improvement techniques, like books and seminars, focus mainly on the conscious mind level, we tend to forget most of the information we acquire very quickly. While we may experience some results, the changes we expected do not last very long. So it is not uncommon to feel frustrated and quit our search for excellence and peak mental performance.

If you are the type of person that regularly tries self-help techniques, you may have tried positive affirmations. Positive affirmations are repeated on a conscious level, and have the potential to help us re-program our thinking, but most people do not find a quick fix, and often times they just make people feel silly! The problem isn't that these things can't work. It's just that they require an immense amount of effort and repetition to penetrate the conscious mind and reprogram years of negative programming that already exists in your unconscious. The problem with all these methods is they don't directly address the true source of your behaviors or core beliefs.

Many people have not even become aware of a new technology that is available that is helping people achieve amazing results. It is a technology that can bypass the conscious mind and address the unconscious directly, in effect, opening a window into your inner mind so you can implant positive programming. Through repetition and real life experiences that begin to mirror this new internal reality, it becomes self-reinforcing and self-perpetuating. Once locked in, your mind-script, is modified permanently. The unconscious then acts in accordance with its new programming and brings about changes in your everyday experiences to match this new reality. These programs utilize Brain Supercharger technology to directly modify your brain state and insert the new, healthy programming right into your consciousness.

One of the newest technologies available today that is having a positive impact on millions of people’s lives is called Brain Wave Entrainment.

What Is Brain Wave Entrainment?

BWE - is a well known scientific process that of inducing specific brainwaves to a desired controlled frequency (such as beta , alpha, theta, delta). One of the most effective forms of Brain Wave Entrainment uses binaural tones that recreate the desired beat frequency. The theory is that if this frequency is used as a stimulus to the brain for a period of time, then the brain's own frequency will adjust accordingly causing the pneuronet of the brain to restructure itself to a higher level of consciousness by balancing its left and right hemispheres, thus producing the positive lasting changes that we seek. Why would you want to do this? BWE can help you relax or stimulate your nervous system, and therefore will produce a sense of well-being, reducing depression and anxiety, improving overall health, and stimulate positive thinking.

According to Bill Harris founder of The Centerpointe Institute and the creator of The Holosync Solution: “this technology will safely and effortlessly take you to states of profoundly deep (and extremely pleasurable) meditation, stimulate the creation of new neural pathways between the right and left hemispheres of your brain, balancing your brain and leading you to a high-performance state scientists also call Whole Brain Functioning. You can dramatically improve your learning ability, memory, intuition, creativity, and your ability to focus, concentrate and think more clearly… Create true quantum leaps in your personal self awareness… Significantly lower your stress levels and lower your levels of harmful brain chemicals related to stress like cortisol…Create remarkable improvements in your mental and emotional health—even in areas that have stubbornly resisted change with other approaches…increase your production of vital (and very pleasurable) brain chemicals (serotonin) related to your longevity, well-being, and quality of life”.

Another well known company is The Transparent Corporation which is the premier developer of brain stimulation and training products geared towards solving human problems and increasing human potential. Their products are used by therapists, businesses, M.D.'s, teachers, academic researchers and thousands of regular, every day people in over 40 countries. These and many others BWE products can be purchased for personal use. I have put together a complete “Mind Tools Online Resource Guide” .

Network Marketing and Personal Development - Hokey or Essential?

As an avid student of Network Marketing I have had an opportunity to read and re-read a pile of books, e-books, magazines and articles on the topic. A pile large enough that my wife sincerely wonders what they could all possibly say that is so different from one another.

The truth is that they don't often have all that much different to say - it's just that they say it differently from one another. Have you ever had the experience of having someone explain something to you and leaving you more confused than before? And then someone else comes along and explains the same thing and it all makes sense? That's the result I've gotten from all of this study.

One thing that every author, speaker, DVD guru agrees on, though, is this: there is an element of personal development that is essential to MLM success.

At first I thought that this was really corny, carnival barker-type stuff. Raise up the tent for the big revival rah-rah meeting! I completely discounted it. After reading, listening to, and watching all of these very sincere people tell me about it for so long I thought I was immune to it.

Then something happened. I was driving down the road, talking to a new recruit in my organization (Hands-free cell phone. I promise.) and I realized that I was talking the same talk! After the call, I spent some time in real soul-searching and discovered that all of this communication with people, all of this learning about their needs, all of this encouraging their success had been somehow transformative. "Oh, NO!" I thought. "I've become one of THEM!"

Well, I'm happy to have made the change. This MLM thing has helped me listen better. It has helped me be more encouraging and solution-oriented. It has made me pay more attention to the needs of the OTHER person.

The Barriers To Personal Growth And Development

The Barriers to Personal Growth and Development are caused by six reasons that people do not take action on the things they want to experience in life. The six reasons are lack of personal growth, uneducated about personal development, do not set goals, they feel the fear and do not do it anyway, negative feedback from people, and many growth barriers that was acquired while growing up as an adult in life.

So, why is it that many people around the world have a lot of barriers to personal growth and development in their lives today? I often asked myself the same questions about me, and many other people that I have learned from over the years in life. Through the many people I have interviewed over the past year personal growth and development have been a big part of their life.

The first reason that people do not take action in their lives is due to a lack of personal growth. Most people simply will not take any action to improve on their personal growth to improve their lives greatly by experiencing something new in their life.

Second, they are uneducated about personal development being apart of their life. Most people do not understand what personal development is all about, so they are uneducated about how to improve their own life as well as other people in their environment.

The third reason is because people do not set goals to achieve the things they want in life. How many times have you heard a person say I just set a new goal today that’s going to be completed by the end of the week? Not many I bet unless they hung around many like minded individuals that set goals on regular bases in their lives.

Fourth, they feel the fear and do not do it anyway. Most people feel the fear when they are doing things that make them uncomfortable and yet do not go through with it anyway to see results in their experiences.

The fifth reason is negative feedback from people that even do not understand their own life to the degree of giving someone else advise about certain issues in life. I use to hear many times how people are influenced form negative feedback that they got from other people in their life that hinders them from improving their own.

The six reasons are many growth barriers that were acquired while growing up as an adult in life. Most people walk around their entire time on this planet holding on to a lot of garbage that happen in the past to them while growing up as an adult. They keep those same ideas, thinking and feelings so long in their lives to that in itself becomes a habitual way of being in this world today. The best advice that I could give to another human being is this in two words personal development. Apply personal development in your life and you will be amazed at the many new things you will begin to experience in your life today.

These are the six reasons why the barriers to personal growth and development cause people to not take action on the things they want to experience in life. Each person on this planet has the conscious ability to create their own lives through personal development. For more article content on personal development click link to read: