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Personal Development: Communication Tips

Communication has less to do with actual words and more to do with preparation, follow up and body language. Physical communication (person to person in the flesh) includes many different things to consider. Voice communication is different from physical communication for obvious reasons. Written communication has certain advantages for the writer, as he/she can really think through what they are trying to convey to the reader. But preparation, follow up and body language are very much related to all of the above types of communicating.

Obviously, the more one is prepared for something, like a meeting, the more it is likely they will know what to say and when to say it. If I try to give a seminar on commercial real estate to a local real estate investors club, I could easily be asked a question and not have the answer. However, if I do not prepare at all for it, the likelihood that this will happen increases very much. Being prepared means knowing or at least attempting to know what to expect. I was never a boy scout, but I know their motto is “Be prepared.” This makes perfect sense. The more prepared you are, the more confidence you demonstrate to others.

Follow up. Follow up. Follow up! In life, the better you are at following up on things, the easier things seem. It’s funny how you can expect things to just go your way or happen as planned. Make no mistake, follow up is an important part of communication. Think about the follow up call a guy gives a girl (or vise versa), on a Tuesday, after getting the number on that past Saturday night. Sure, there is that “mandatory” waiting period, but the follow up is key to extending further communication. Without it, communication breakdown begins and before you know it, a month has passed and when you go to call the person, they don’t [or don’t want] to remember your name!

If you’re closing on a piece of real estate, you depend on many different parties to get things done. The lender, title and insurance company, inspectors, appraisers and the like, must come together to help you close the deal. Follow up is so important on your part! Making calls and sending emails to the various parties involved will only better your chances of a smooth closing. You must follow up.

Body language involves the eyes, head, body and general appearance of a person. A very intense look consists of eye contact and possibly some nodding of the head accompanied by leaning forward. Compare this to a person leaning back in their chair and yawning as you speak. Different body “tones” send different messages to the receiver. Making a point to make eye contact can go a long way in developing rapport with people. By conveying positive body language, you’re showing the receiver you are a person with motivation, confidence, and strength.

These are three basic communication tips, but they’ll go a long way toward improving your overall effectiveness. Effective communication does depend on the confidence you show but you build confidence if you develop these basic skills. Being prepared cannot be stressed enough! The more you prepare for a speech, conversation, or networking/social gathering, the more confident you will be. That is a fact!

Can Personal Development Help You To Get Everything You Want?

Do you think you could imagine a better life for yourself and those you love if a genie appeared and told you that you were only a thought away from your perfect life. Do you believe that it is possible for you to envision that perfect life in such detail that it seems real at the time? Do you think if the genie said to you that every small detail would become reality in a very short time and that you had time to prepare your vision, you could perfect that mental image? What would you place in your mental picture? What you you have? What would you be? What would you do?

Well fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life. It really is possible to be, do and have anything that you can imagine and it is possible through some simple personal development techniques!

So ask yourself the question, "what would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?"

There are only two things that can stop you from having what you want in life and being the person you aspire to be.

1. Lack of Clarity. It is important to be specific about what you want. Most people fail to achieve or gain the things in life that they want simply because they do not know what they want. Their desires are like leaves in a breeze, blown this way and that on the winds of change. You must be clear on exactly what you want if you are ever to achieve it. A strong vision of your future is the first and most important step in goal achievement.

To get clear do the following exercise: Take a piece of paper and write as many things you can think of that would make you happy. Give yourself three minutes to complete this exercise. Don't limit yourself. Don't allow limitations to get in the way. No matter how unbelievable it may appear or how impossible it may seem right now don't let it discourage you. There is a universal maxim that states "You only have a desire because you are capable of achieving it!"

Now after you have written your desires down number them from 1 upwards in order of importance. Chose the three most important desires on your list. These will be your goals that you will focus on first and accomplish before the others. Ensure that these are the most important things to you at this time.

2. Resistance. Now there are people in this world that are very clear on what they want in life. In fact not only are they clear on what they want but they are also very clear on how to get it, yet no matter how hard they try they seem to make little, or no, progress. Why is this?

Resistance is the only thing stopping you! Your resistance is the only reason that you have never achieved your desires. Re you one of these people? Do you harbour resistance within your being? Somewhere deep within you are conflicting beliefs that stop you from achieving success.

You must weed out these destructive modes of thought and feeling in order to achieve your aims. Truly when you have resistance it just means that you are not yet fully clear on what you want.

Your thoughts are only creative. Do you realise that your entire world has been constructed from your thought. If you have resistant thoughts then you are sending out mixed messages to the universe. On the one hand you have the thoughts that reflect your desires but on the other hand you have thoughts of doubt, confusion, disbelief or fear.

It is essential to do one of two things.

1. Get so clear on what you want that you wipe out resistance through your belief in your vision.
2. Destroy destructive thoughts at their core and you remove resistance from your thoughts, emotions and life.

Here is the key to universe and to achieving everything you want in life - YOU ALWAYS GET MORE OF WHAT YOU FOCUS ON in Life! We all have a tendency however, and this includes you, to believe more in what is not possible than what is possible. If you are honest with yourself and take inventory of your own nature you will find that you tend to focus more on your personal limitations than on your strengths and capabilities. Do you tend to focus on what you cannot do, or do you focus on what you can do? Do you focus on what you want or do you focus on the lack of it? There are many great techniques for eliminating resistance from your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The easier way to overcome resistance, for the novice personal development student, is to get very clear on your what you want. When you are totally clear you believe so strongly in your vision that nothing can stand in the way of its manifestation!

You can begin with a visualization technique where you imagine your ideal scene twice daily. Visualise your ideal scene every morning just after you waken and then again at night just before you turn to sleep. See the image as having already happened. Imagine it as though you have already achieved the three most important things on your list. Actually step into the picture and live it as though you already had it. Feel all the great feelings that being, doing and having that vision conjure up in you.

Then when you go about your day reinforce that picture by acting as though it were already true. Evoke the same feelings you had when visualising it and you will convince your subconscious mind that your visualised life is really your true reality right now. Once this happens nothing can stop its achievement!

Stay focused on what you want. If you have negative thoughts realise that this is just resistance and when you catch yourself doing it - stop. Then immediately think the opposite thought while evoking strong feeling with the thought. It is important to evoke positive feelings when you call to mind your vision. If you start to feel frustrated that you have not yet achieved your vision take several deep breaths and concentrate on the rewards of having. Get yourself back into a state of feeling good!

If you wish to create your life the way you want it to be then this is the only personal development tool you need. It is not always easy to learn at first but the rewards are worth many times the effort required to master it. If need be seek out quality assistance to or any of the great tools available to help you stay focused and remove resistance but most importantly of all enjoy the journey and transition from where you are now to the deliberate creator you were born to be!!