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The Web Developers Field Guide to Outsourcing

Whenever you hire someone or a group of people that are outside of your business
to handle business functions. This can include, auditing, payroll data entry
and work in Information Technology.

Outsourcing is essentially hiring a contract employee for your business. While
the concept can be used for businesses and projects of any size the work involved
is about the same. You will still need to manage your work and employees, answer
questions, make sure that work is completed on time and within budget. This
guide will explain how to do all of this. In the next section you will learn
about the benefits of outsourcing your development work and what this means
for your bottom line.

Not currently spending anything on web development? Doing it all yourself?
Hi, my name is Peter Ferrigan and this was me 3 years ago. I used to do the
same thing until I realized that my job was to smoothly run successful websites
and build new online ventures. You can look at the passion for new business
or the pure number value. Either way there are larger things that you could
be accomplishing with your time. How much is one hour of your time worth? If
you are currently working for someone else, the number is easy to place. If
you are self employed, it gets a bit harder.

Starting out as a programmer, when my work load increased and I was self-employed
I naturally assumed that I would continue doing what I was best at, programming.
The change from programmer to Project Manager happened when I started to put
a number value on my time. One hour of solid coding, how much could I charge
for this? As the work increased and my life got busier things started being
measured in smaller amounts of time. Instead of basing my pay on the entire
project, I began to look at how many hours it would take to complete and then
my average pay per hour.


Developer Fantasy Land


Let's say you take a small job that will take you an hour to complete.
For this work, your client, or boss pays you $40. So your wage per hour is $40.
This is of course assuming that you have an unlimited amount of clients or a
rock solid job, which is why these figures are used as just an example. So you
are currently making $40 an hour at a rock solid job or self employed with a
waiting list of wealthy clients. Life is good. You set $40 per hour as the cost
for 60 minutes of your time.

Change your perspective just a little bit and you can see that there is lost
opportunity. I read once that when investing in real estate you should avoid
all contact with a hammer, paint and nails. Why? Your job should be a professional
check writer, because time spent hammering or painting is time lost doing something
more profitable. Actions such as looking for another house to purchase.

Regardless of your current title, I am sure you know there are larger opportunities
in your field. Most of the time these opportunities are lost because you are
too busy focused on mundane details rather then the bigger picture of what you
could be achieving. Included below is an example of how outsourcing can benefit


Outsourcing for Increased Profit and Productivity


Back to developer fantasy land, you're making $40 an hour. What if you
could find someone to do the same work for $5 an hour? What if they were available
24/7 and could work while you were asleep? How much would your time be worth

If you could find someone to do the same work for $5 and you were charging
$40. You would make $35 an hour right? That's the common assumption for
the starting Project Manager (your new title).

How much time would it take you to find the programmer, explain the project
and check the work. Usually from my experience (for a one hour job) only about
10 minutes. So what is your total pay? $35 for ten minutes of work. We are still
in fantasy land, so after you have hired someone for $5 to complete your $40
job you go to the next client on your list.

Another $40 project appears, you spend $5 and 10 minutes. This keeps going
on 6 times. So in one hour you have made $210 ($35 X 6) as opposed to your previous
$40 an hour.

You have just given yourself a 525% percent raise.

One thing to remember is that we are in outsourcing fantasy land where each
programmer does exactly the right work; it is always completed on time and to
your exact specifications. This of course does not happen all of the time. You
will have some programmers cancel, others not respond and some might complete
the work incorrectly. If you leave 20 min out of each hour to review and handle
these issues, you are still making $140 / hour, 350% raise.

The best part is that outsourcing not only allows you to be more productive
and profitable while you work, it also provides these benefits in the time your
off work.

Let's say you work just 8 hours a day, and no more (in fantasy land).
This means that you are unproductive (on work issues) for 16 hours of every
day. These 16 hours can start making you money. Let's take a look at the

Stated before the average project that takes only 1 hour of your time can be
done for $5 and 10 minutes leaving 20 minutes of every hour for exceptions.
As you will be planning ahead for the next 16 hours this will take some additional
time to prepare the work. Let's give each project an additional 5 minutes
to setup. This means each project takes 20 minutes: 10 to find explain and check
work. 5 to plan ahead and 5 to cover mistakes. These 20 minutes are split between
when you leave work and arrive the next day. We are going to outsource just
6 projects, which means this will take just one hour before you leave work and
one hour when you arrive in the morning the next day.

Taking a wage of $35 per project this translates into $210 for 6 projects outsourced
while you sleep. After this we need to deduct the $80 of time spent (2 hours)
preparing the work and your total profit each night is $130. Over a year (without
holidays) this is a $30,000 raise.

Of course the above example is just an example. I wish it were as easy as breaking
down projects into 15 minute segments, and each segment only took 15 minutes.
Also it's important to note that no one is a machine. Unfortunately as
your work increases, so does the number of people you need to manage. Without
a reliable management structure in place this would also increase the number
of delays and chance of error. Then there is the waiting list of wealthy clients,
which for most developers, doesn't exist.

So if you could be making $210 an hour during the day, and right now you are
only making $40, not outsourcing is actually costing you $170 an hour of lost


Outsource Today's Work


The best way to start is to join a freelancer marketplace such as
These websites are broken into two sections; one for Project Managers (that's
you) and the other for Freelancers; this includes people who are skilled in
programming, design, writing and other talents.

As a Project Manager on outsourcing your development work
is broken into four steps: Signup, Post Your Work, Select a Freelancer, Payment
and Feedback. Below you find a description of each step followed by the relevant
link to complete this action.

Signup :: The first thing you will need to do is to signup at
as Project Manager. This allows you to post projects, accept freelancers and
make payments online.

After filling out the short signup page, a letter will be sent to the email
address that you submitted. This is done to confirm that your address is valid
and you are able to receive important announcements pertaining to your projects.

Post Your Work :: After signup, gather the project details together and login
into your account. After login you will be taken to the Account Management page.
Here you can see the information relevant to your account. To post a project,
click the link 'Create Project' at the top of the page. You will
need to fill in the Title, Project Type and description of the work that you
would like to be completed. Later in the guide I will explain how setting the
right budget lowers your cost, and which details to include ensuring you get
the most qualified bids. []

Select a Freelancer :: is setup in a way that allows Freelancers
to openly compete for your business. This known as a reverse auction, where
competition actually lowers the bids instead of increasing them. Each Freelancer
will be able to submit a bid (the cost for the posted work to be completed)
and a time frame for the delivery of completed work. As there are hundreds of
Freelancers on your project will receive multiple bids from
people around the world eager to complete this work for you. Go through each
Freelancer's bid and select the person that you feel is best suited for
the work.

Payment and Feedback :: After the project is complete you will then need to
log into your account to submit payment and feedback about the Freelancer that
you worked with. creates online accounts for both Project Managers
and Freelancers, which are used for transferring funds related to work completed.
As a Project Manager there are several ways in which you can add money to your
account: Checks, Money Orders, Bank Transfers,,,,,, are all supported. Once the funds are placed
in your account, you will then need to transfer funds to the Freelancer you
worked with. These channels are also used for Freelancers withdrawing funds
so you don't have to worry about how to send payment to a Freelancer in
a different country.

Leaving feedback is a valuable way for you to record your experience with this
particular person. When doing so, it is important for you to include comments
about their skills, communication and working in the time deadline. This information
is then used for other Project Managers considering them for work.



Completing Projects Faster, Accurately and Cheaper


In this section of the guide you will find practical things that you can do
to ensure that you project gets started smoothly, progresses quickly and finishes
on time.

Detailed Description :: Include a detailed description of the work needed.
Each word you add to your description saves you money. By spelling out the work
required for the project you do not leave this up to the freelancer to figure
out. A clear concise description will save you money on each project.

Place your website address in the description. It always helps, and saves money
to give a live example of the website you are referring to. If you are not comfortable
placing your website, place one that is similar. Or if you do not have a website
created, give a detailed description of the work that you would like done and
give a few example websites, highlighting the features you would like to include.

Use Escrow :: employs an escrow system which allows you to
place funds in a neutral account and release them once the project is complete.
It is recommended that you use this system for each transaction, the reason
being is that it gives each person 50% control over the money. Only you can
complete the payment into the freelancers account and only the other Freelancer
can release the funds back to you. Disagreements do occur and the best way that
we can help you as a Project Manager is if the funds are placed in escrow. A
good policy is to make your payment into escrow for the freelancer when you
select his/her bid. This shows that you do have the money and it is committed
to the project. Once the work is complete you simply complete the transfer into
their account.

Post a Budget :: The worst mistake you can make is not included a budget at
all. This outright says to people bidding on your project that you are clueless
about the work required and money is no object in the completion of this work.

Post the Right Budget :: I half-jokingly suggest to anyone that brings this
up that they should place a max budget of $10 for each project. By placing a
$10 maximum you eliminate the idea that the Freelancer will be able to over
charge you for this work. Instead you place them in the state of mind of "How
can I win this contract for the least amount possible?" Obviously the
$10 trick will not work for every project however if you are not sure how much
your work will cost then put a $10 maximum.

Avoid Attachments :: Including an attachment in your project description, i.e.
"please see the included file for complete details". I have seen
it time and again. Projects with attachments that are included in the description receive less bids and higher estimates. The reason is that there is an automatic
assumption that if the description is to complex to be laid out in plain text,
then the work involved must be equally as complicated.

Delay the NDA :: Personally I feel that NDAs are over used. If you feel that
your project and work absolutely requires this level of secrecy then include
this requirement down the road after you found a few good candidates for completing
your work. By saying in your description that you require an NDA to be signed
by all freelancers scares off a majority of potential candidates. A solution
would be to put in the general description of the work you need done. Such as
the type of website you would like to create or the specific steps involved.
Once you have a list of qualified freelancers talk to them each individually
about signing your NDA.

Don't Modify the Posted Description :: Some people post a project and
then the next day make a change to the description. After answering some questions
and thinking about the work a little more, then make another change and another.
This leads to inaccurate bids, uninterested freelancers and a very bad start
to your work.

The best thing to do is before you place a project, write down every thing
that about the work that you can think of. Include what you would like to end
up with, what you have now, examples of similar work and your estimate of the
work required. If you have started a project and need to make a change, the
best thing to do is to rewrite a new project description and post it again.
On there is no charge for posting projects and this simple
action can save you a lot of time and stress.

Once the new project is posted, go back to the old one and invite each programmer
to bid on your new project. This will give you clear and accurate bids to ensure
that you pay exactly what the work requires.

Open Communication :: Issues in development can start out small and grow quickly
you do not catch them early enough. For this reason it is crucial to keep open
communication with all of the people you are working with. One idea is to create
series of events according to the project deadline. Short deadline projects
are relatively easy to manage.

For projects extending over 5 days, I have found it helpful to work out a list
steps to measure progress. These include the dates for the first mockup, when
revisions will be completed and the final deadline. Having a series of smaller
deadlines breaks down a large project into smaller, easier to manage pieces.
Having and sticking to your smaller deadlines consistently reminds the Freelancer
that completing the work on time is very important to you.

Use MSN :: By far the most popular communication tool when doing business online.
MSN Messenger allows you to instantly connect with the people you are working
with to hammer out details and check on progress. After you have accepted a
freelancer to work on your project, immediately send him your MSN address and
ask the following questions:

Do you have any additional questions about the requirements?

What do you need from me to get started?

How much longer are you available to work today?

Consistently check in and make sure you are available to answer questions. Once
in a while ask "How is your work coming?" "When will a mockup
be available?" "Do you have the demo ready?"


Additional Help


You now have all of the tools that you need to get started. Each step has been
covered from posting your project to leaving feedback. We have also gone over
some advanced topics that will help ensure your work is completed on time and
to your satisfaction. You are ready to start outsourcing today.

If you have any questions about how to post your project, or the best way to
word your description I would like to help you get started. Please send me an
email via the Contact Form on and I am happy to review your
project and help you get started.

Also if you are not sure how much you should expect to pay, just send me an
email and I will get back to you shortly.

I look forward to hearing from you and I hope that you have found this guide
helpful and informative.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Peter Ferrigan

Author Information

Peter Ferrigan is the Administrator of the popular Freelance Marketplace []. He can be reached with questions or concerns by sending an email to

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Using E-Mail Newsletters as a Business Development Platform

When it comes to e-commerce, spreading your reach is extremely important. E-mail newsletters can be an effective method for expanding your business development platform.

E-Mail Newsletters

Selling and purchasing, over the Internet is a common practice nowadays. Generally successful enterprises focus on marketing strategies and planning. Web sites are significant way to enact these marketing policies. Web sites are a very effective way of promoting your products and/or services. People visiting sites will sometimes supply contact information like their name and email address as they may be interested in buying your product or they may have some questions about the services. They may also be interested in getting newsletters from you for service updates, special promotions or your latest product news.

Email newsletters are a powerful marketing tool. It is one of the most recent and advanced techniques of marketing. It not only provides a platform for your business development but also gives a new tactic to track your customers and leads. An email newsletter is a booming key to getting online customers. To gain customers' confidence is a great achievement. E-mail newsletters build credibility by showing authority on the topics of your business fields. Email newsletters also act as list management tools for web site owners.

People routinely get a lot of newsletters. They don't have enough time to read them all entirely. People generally like letters if the letter is easy to read or skim. Using short sentences, bullet points and outline formats all are inviting to readers in a rush. Nowadays users are quite demanding in terms of operation of subscription and un-subscription functions so another thing that matters is subscription process. The newsletter should also feature usability and functionality such that subscribers do not roam uselessly in web pages, trying to signup, find information or unsubscribe. This may result in loosing your valuable customers by annoying them.

As many as 70% of internet users in the USA makes a purchase online which is in some part a result of e-mail marketing. This means email newsletters play a major role in operating an online business. Currently many software solutions are available on the market and they may offer a variety of features. Before choosing any of them do some research. Learn what types of ads in newsletters are accepted and rejected by people and also by search engines. Sometimes you may be displaying banners or ads that may be ignored or unnoticed by customers. Bear in mind that reaching your target audience is not an easy job and your primary consideration is that you target those people that are willing to buy your products or services. Also pay attention to the value of repeated delivery. Repetition in email newsletters will result in name recognition for your company.

E-mail newsletters are a cost effective marketing tool but it is entirely dependent upon the content and users. Your main concern is the customer and without them no business can arise. A little care must be taken while getting users information. You should not attempt to force your users to supply personal information if he or she doesn't want to reveal it. If you get personal information then you should not expose his/her identity publicly. A privacy policy should be posted on any web site collecting user data. Information stored on web servers should not be openly accessible.

Email newsletters will provide a very proficient platform for any business development if it is implemented carefully with tact, planning and a firm approach.

Halstatt Pires is with the Internet marketing firm - - a San Diego Internet marketing and advertising company offering automated web site systems - - create web databases, e-commerce sites, business lead management systems and more.

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Personal Development Series - Introduction

At the beginning of every year, we all make 'New Year resolutions.' Over time, I've only met a handful of people who are pleased with their results at the end of the year. So we gear up for the next year determined to succeed this time, only to find, we have failed again. Somewhere along the way, we give up on setting goals or New Year resolutions.

Why are goals so hard to achieve at time? I would say goals are hard because we have to change something to achieve them. I've never met a person who lives in anticipation for the next change in their life. We hope the future doesn't cause us grief. Eventually, the change comes into our life even if it's the weather.

This is my favorite quote and I keep it on my desk by Sir Winston Churchill. He said, "To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often." I found this quote at the beginning of my career and put it in a prominent place on my desk. For some reason, I only read it when I'm faced with a decision. Every time, I sigh and tell myself to make a change and it's okay. The quote gives me the courage to make the change and I'm usually pleased with the results.

If we want to be successful at changing something in our lives, you need to understand it is a process and not just a decision. There is more to change then just deciding to do it. We innocently miss steps that cause us to fail. Over the course of this series, I plan on hitting on those steps on my website.

If you read my life story, "Over the Rainbow" on my website, you know my parents and siblings were taken away from me at the age of four. I was alone and didn't know from day to day what was going to happen to me. This was a huge change that I wasn't planning on in my life. Moments like this happen to all of us and leave us with scars. There are steps we need to follow to erase the scars or prevent them from appearing.

You can have everything taken away from you in this life and come back stronger, if you follow some simple rules. I plan on talking about the steps in the blog 'Friends.' Please feel free to ask questions and offer suggestions of what you want to talk about within the blog or if you want to talk to me personally. I'm open to answering something personal with where I found information that might help you or how I approached the same problem.

It doesn't matter what happens in your life. What matters is how you respond to your life. Remember, this is your life so own it because no one can duplicate your life. Embrace your life and build off of its challenges instead of telling yourself you can't because of what happened to me. Come and join us!

In my Personal Development Series called Friends, I'll be sharing regularly the principles of what I learned how to overcome:

o Constants Fears

o Stress

o Unhappiness

o Abandonment - Finding Yourself Alone in Life

o Self Imposing Limits

o Change Core Beliefs

o Depression

o Fatigue

o Anxiety

o Anger

o Grief

o Guilt

o Negative Emotions

o Anxiety over Something that Might Happen in the Future

o Phobic Responses

o Inner Conflicts

o Learned how to stretch your mind. You have to conceive before you can achieve

o Trauma

o Self-Worth

You can find my Personal Development Series on my website, in my blog link. If you subscribe to my website, you'll be notified by email of me posting a new article, regarding the Personal Development Series.

I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the near future.

LaRene Ellis is a young adult author who has written a factious story that takes place in another galaxy. In the middle of a gripping story line of espionage, mystery, and battles to entertain. The reader will find the secret of overcoming their life. You can find everything at Come and join us!

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How to Sell Personal Development Products Online - A Reiki Case Study

There are two ways to sell personal development products online you can either sell affiliate products (suitable for beginners) or you can target a specific niche market and develop your own product for that market.In this article I will set out my way of targeting a niche market and then selling relevant products to them.

Lets begin by defining the market. As I am in the UK I have chosen a market which is available via timezone in the USA on the east coast. I also define my target market as Reiki masters and Reiki Practitioners who have clients online (or potential clients) who are willing to pay a fee for distant healing.

The timezone dictates several things the most important of which is the timing of my emails. If I am assuming that this client group has a day job and is developing a part time business online and offline then the timing of emails has to be appropriate to catch people checking their personal email accounts after their day job.

This equates to 8pm GMT as there is a 5 hour time difference to account for. If emails are sent after 8pm GMT then more of this target group are likely to be home checking personal email accounts. This timing also ties in with my own day job which finishes at 7.30pm GMT.

The specific target audience can be reached via Google and YouTube search so I have targeted specific keywords appropriate for this group.

The next step is to become an expert in my chosen area of "online Marketing For Reiki masters".
This can be achieved by posting informative videos on a YouTube channel and inviting your target audience to signup for a newsletter or additional training videos.

The software I use to create videos is Capturewiz. It is inexpensive and can be obtained online at

Once you are comfortable making short "Tips" videos then you can add affiliate links in the text box beside the video on YouTube and begin promotion via traffic exchanges or AdWords.

At each stage you will gain additional skills and experience which feeds into the whole system.

You can read more of my articles at

If you enjoyed this article visit for more short tips and recommendations.

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