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Personal Development | Personal development plan

How Can We Set Goals, When We Don't Really Know What We Want?

It has become very clear to me as I discuss the law of attraction with people as part of my personal development coaching events that when I ask "What is success for you? Or "What do you really want from life?" Many people just don't know and don't know how to even start down the pathway to wealth creation that they feel is the answer to this question. I ask you "Do you know what you want?" Personal development is designed to sharpen your senses and defining your direction. You have to get past the mind set of "wishing" it would happen and get to focused actions. Life is full of barriers that the world will throw at you and there are the one's that you build for yourself, your inner self doubts "I can't do that" or "You want me to do what?" These barriers must all be overcome.

The mind set must be of success - whatever that means to you, because if we don't find the inspiration to do something, you'll do nothing but wishing for something. Doing nothing gets you no where; it's as simple as that. We need to use personal development and the law of attraction (as it's intended as a tools, not as an answer) to focus on the personal & interpersonal skills and wealth creation strategies, that underpin any success story. May be your looking to start an investment programme, buy and sell shares, or start your own business. It doesn't matter what the activity is, if the mindset is not where it has to be then you will flounder on the "what if's". May be your right in the middle of it - struggling to keep your head above water, realising your going broke gracefully through what you're doing. We must concentrate on our goal setting at all levels from what we will do this hour, this day this week this month and this year. Without the goals there is no direction, no urgency to progress. You all know how much work you get done just before you go on leave, the clear the deck syndrome.

If we worked just half as efficiently as we do when we have a reward such as a holiday in front of us we would achieve so much more with our lives. So is it to hard to set rewards for goals that are met? so that we do gain the added drive. Successful people set these rewards as part of there goals. They plan holidays and events a full year in advance not as last minute events. We need to take charge and use our resources such as the law of attraction to build the wealth creation from a wish list to a life style. We are talking about where we want to get to.

How you are going to get there? We need to talk about how you can identify and maximize opportunities in ways that best suit you and who you are. We must get past the doubts and limitation of our current thinking. You have to shed the doubts of our passed learning and what others have and will tell us about what we can or can't do. You have to think and believe and work your way to success. Use the law of attraction to set the goals, build your belief system, and manifest the results and to live the dreams from wealth creation. Financial certainty will never be there; all things carry a risk, so accept there is a risk and enjoy the stimulation that the risk induces within you, the sharpening of your observations, the adrenalin rush. If your serious about your success - wanting to make breakthroughs in your life then set your goals, involve those around you in your direction for life and bring them with you, build from their support and share with them the successes that you achieve with each milestone that your reach. I sometimes think that knowledge and higher education can be overrated because life has shown me what I didn't learn at school (but wish I had) has been of greater use in my wealth creation. I know many people who are very well educated wear the right school tie, mix in the best circles and know a lot about business or investments - but they haven't built significant wealth, a business or even successful careers.

To top it off some of them actually go so far as to write books, run courses and do presentations to tell others how to build wealth based on their education not experience of actually doing it. This is a real example of the spectator telling the sportsman how to play the game. For any success in wealth creation there are fundamentals that must be achieved. Without any one of these fundamental not being achieved, then any success will be short lived. We have all seen business start grow and fold. The statistics show that nine out of ten business fold in the first year. Nine out of ten that pass the first year fail in the next two years and only five out of ten that remain will last for ten years. Many successful companies will fold while they seem to be ploughing ahead. What are the fundamentals I hear you asking? The three that I put at the top are as follows

1. There's stuff you need to Know
2. There's stuff you need to Believe
3. There's stuff you have to Do

No single fundamental is higher than the other. They all hold equal weight What makes the difference between people who become ultra-wealthy and people who never make the grade? First, ultra-wealthy people always start companies. At some point, working for other people is no longer letting them achieve the success they were destined for. Second, the ultra-rich always invest in shares and real estate as they provide the greatest returns and enable tax minimization or tax free income streams. The third point is there is no other investment like a balanced investment portfolio. Over time, despite ups and downs, it outperforms all other investments. Remember that "Financial Security" is the biggest health cure available to western society.

Together, with a little work, you are going to make yourself rich. Set your goals, remembering to use the law of attraction, manifest the goals, live the goals as if they were already there and when they are there, stop and enjoy them. Give gratitude that you have what you have and above all else give to others so that the abundance reaches out to all of mankind.

Development Of Personal Self Confidence

For most of us self confidence can not really be explained. It is never easy to fully describe what it's like to be confident. Self confidence is a state of being. It is a bit like being in love - you can't really explain how you know you are, you just know. You also know that it is a state that you need to aquire if you ever want to succeed at anything worthwhile in life.

Self confidence begins with trust. It is trusting in your own abilities, strengths and attributes. It is the ability to take action and succeed. It is also the ability to take action and fail without allowing the failure to reflect badly on your own internal self of identity.

The true essence of self confidence lies in faith and belief. The belief in your own abilities. It is having a sense of self worth and feeling no less than anyone else. Self confidence means that no matter what happens you know that can deal with it. It is really having a sense of Self. Being aware that you are just fine as you are and being aware that those little imperfections that you do have are a part of who you are. They are part of the unique individual that makes you special.

So what leads to a lack of confidence?

Well, each of us have a self-protection mechanism built into us, and although this is much needed, it can cause untold damage in other areas of our lives. There is a self protection program that is hot-wired into the brain and energy system of every living thing. Its role is to protect us. It protects us from dangerous situations by accessing memories and reminding us of the previous discomfort!

Let me explain with an example. If you touch a hot coal you get burned and you know not to touch it again - your self-protection mechanism kicks in. If you encounter a red-hot coal in the future you keep your hands and body far enough away so you don't feel the burning sensation and the pain associated with it. Your subconscious mind programs into your brain the fear of getting too close to hot coals. This memory, or just the fear and pain connected to it, is immediately evoked and sent to the conscious mind by the subconscious when it feels you are in danger of getting burnt. This mechanism, for self-preservation, has protected you from an infant. Unfortunately though, it also works against you in a lot of different ways.

Let's look at one. For example at some previous point in your life you may have tried your hand at something that was completely new and alien to you. You tried and you failed! Perhaps your peers, family, parents friends or even complete strangers ridiculed you and laughed at your efforts. This may have embarrassed you and made you feel inadequate. Your subconscious mind stored and filed this information in exactly the same way a computer does and can access it in the same way. These are neural networks in the brain that fire in sequence and send electrical impulses to the body telling it to release certain chemicals (which produce emotional responses). A neural connection is made between the memory of the event and the emotion you felt at the time. When faced with a similar circumstance in the future you will have problems. The subconscious mind immediately activates the schema and the neural network begins to fire. Thus the subconscious mind replays the memory and the original emotions are evoked in order to protect you! This is done purely so that you do not feel belittled again.

For example, you may have tried to paint a picture. Your friends around you laughed and ridiculed your efforts. This caused you embarrassment and the feeling of being ostracized like the "odd man out". You lacked the approval of your peers. Like a computer your subconscious filed this information away on your memory banks to be accessed at a later date when it thinks you need it. 20 years later you still have a desire to paint but won't even go to a night class to learn because the thought of painting brings forth the emotions of disapproval, embarrassment and fear. The subconscious mind replays the emotions associated with the old memory even if you can't recall the actual event ever having happened. You are actually getting a very clear message from your subconscious mind and it is telling you that if you try to paint again you feel all those terrible feelings. It reminds you by showing you the feelings again!"

Usually such emotional memories stem back to childhood from the time when you were most impressionable but not always. You can just as easily encounter such problems when you are an adult and the key to protecting yourself from such negative influences is to develop a better sense of yourself and build your confidence. This is at the very core of all personal development and self improvement techniques!

In reality you have no idea what the outcome will be when you start something new . As an adult, you should be able to try new things without the fear of what ridicule, or condemnation from others, would do to your confidence.

Self confidence is having the ability to feel the fear and do it anyway. In reality you have no idea what the outcome will be when you perform a task that is new to you. However, with increased self confidence you will be more expectant of a desirable result. Should you not have the outcome you desire you are then capable of looking at the situation realistically, determining what you need to learn and develop in order to succeed at it or at least be able to accept the fact that your are not suited to the activity without "freaking out" about it.

Many people believe that you are either born with confidence or you are not. The truth is we are all born confident! You demanded what you wanted and let everyone around you know it by wailing because you believed in your own self-worth and knew that you deserved it. You tried to walk several times while falling knowing that eventually you would get it. This is confidence. Unfortunately this kind of confidence is usually programmed out of us but it is your NATURAL sate. It's time to get it back.

Firstly, you should be kind to yourself. Don't expect perfection. Do you think Tiger Woods got a hole in one the first time he played golf? Although he may have been born with an innate ability at this sport chances are that the first time he played he was terrible at it!

The thing that builds your confidence is trying things that you haven't done before. Try to do something that scares you. Those people who have self confidence are willing and often eager to try new challenges not becuase they are certain of success but becuase they have enough belief in themselves to give it a try. They refuse to give into their own fears. If there was no fear or uncertainty then there would only be knowing! Self confidence is not about being certain of an outcome it is about being uncertain but believing in yourself enough to have a go anyway.

The good news is that there are strategies and approaches you can learn to build your confidence level to a new all-time high. Once you learn these and begin to apply them you will feel better able to try new things and enter new situations. Then as you begin to succeed and realise that the world didn't stop spinning because you faced your fear, you will gain more and more confidence.

The best advice I can give you is to use some of the excellent tools available for building up your self confidence and self esteem. Hypnosis and emotional releasing techniques can be invaluable. The personal development industry has a myriad of products and you should pick one that resonates with you. However, you have all the power within that you need to change yourself from the inside out. Make the decision now to face one fear a week and do it. You will build your self confidence to a level that you can not even now imagine.

Life Is A Balance

Watching a TV program on the past Sunday talking about the addiction of Internet gaming set me thinking? Am I addicted to Internet Marketing to a certain extent that I started neglected other important things in life? Can a person can be too engrossed in doing certain things that he forgets about the balance?

Giving some thoughts about my own questions actually set me thinking. What was the primary reason for me venturing into Internet Marketing? I remember clearly that it was for 3 primary reasons:

1. Achieve financial freedom ultimately
2. Fulfilling relationships with family and friends
3. Pursuing passion in marketing value to the market

However, when I look back at the activities that I have been engaging for the past few weeks since the end of the boot camp in 17th June, I discover that not only did I not balance my activities, the anxiety state of mind got the better of me. I was too anxious in making the Internet Marketing work in the soonest time possible that I neglected my family; I was too anxious in making sales that I wanted to jump on every affiliate bandwagon even if there was no value in the product and insufficient engagement in personal development resulted in lack of knowledge for necessary application.

Now that I know my challenges, I will be back on track with balance that will empower and equip me with the knowledge and gives me the desired confidence to engage in the necessary activities to achieve what I want in life. Decision has been made to include the following activities in my daily routine: -

1. Morning exercises to keep healthy and fit…
2. Enjoying an hour every day to spend with family…
3. Increasing my goals’ list on what I would like to achieve…
4. Engage in self development to elevate my self esteem…
5. Research on products of great value to market!

I am sure that with all these activities that I have laid out to do on a daily basis and more activities to be added on progressively, I will be living my dreams and will want to show and help others how they too can achieve their dreams.

I Believe In You! I Know You Can Do It Too!

Yours Believingly

Eugene Goh

Eugene Goh has been engaging in personal development since 2002. His first self help book was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and since then, has been engaging in personal development through reading numberous books and listening to various audio programs. Just to name a few of his favourite books are The Success Principles by Jack Canfield; Your Roadmap to Success by John Maxwell; Great Trilogy by Og Mandino and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. He has numerous audio programs from the greats of Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and is in a constant state of learning to learn from everyone who is willing to coach and in turn coach those who is willing to learn. To find out more about Eugene Goh, go to the following website to read his regularly updated blog.

3 Personal Development Steps To Success

The Self Improvement industry constantly tells us that we must change our beliefs if we are ever to achieve the success we desire. Personal Development teachers point out the fact that action is necessary in order to achieve change and alter our lives to reflect our dreams and ambitions. Well how do you get yourself to take action when you don't know what action to take and when the world is telling you to stay put and not to strive for the impossible?

There is only one way!

Change your beliefs - This is real Personal Development Power!

The greatest of Self Improvement teachers tell you that in order to achieve success and have the ability to take action you must first alter your beliefs. But why is this and how can you do it?

Well, our beliefs are merely a set of thoughts that you have about a given subject. They do not need to be, and usually aren't, based of any real hard facts. Did you know that there are many psychological studies that show the views people have about themselves are wrong. Most people tend to be very hard on themselves and rarely give themselves credit for their achievements or recognize their own strengths. If you are a normal human being then you are doing exactly the same thing!

Since thought always precedes action, it is imperative to change your disempowering, self-defeating destructive beliefs to empowering ones that will create drive, confidence, faith and, ultimately, success!

By changing your beliefs your core thoughts will change and thus your actions will be completely different than they have been before and in alignment with your desires. I can give you 3 simple, yet highly effective, steps which you can start to use immediately to change your beliefs and your life. They only require a small amount of effort but you do need a lot of persistence to keep following them! Remember its all about taking action.

Step 1. Learn to recognize your emotional responses and you will learn to control your thoughts.

When you begin to watch your emotions you will learn to control your thoughts. Our emotions are just a by-product of the thoughts we are thinking. When you think a sad thought you get sad and when you think a happy thought you feel happy. Although to many people this sounds overly simply YOU must realize that there is great wisdom and huge rewards that come from watching your feelings.

When you feel bad it means you are thinking about the things you do not want. When you are experiencing joyful happy emotions it is a clear indication that your thoughts are in the same direction as your goals and desires. Feeling good means you are focusing on the things in life that you really want! Teach yourself to be aware of your emotional state. By watching how you feel you can easily regulate your thoughts.

Make the decision now to watch how you are feeling, especially when you are concentrated on your goals and desires. When you feel bad and are experiencing negative emotions it is a sign that your thinking is in the wrong direction. Feeling bad is an indication that you are focused on the things in life that you do not want. If you are feeling good then you are focused on the benefits of actually having what you want. You always get more of what you focus on even quantum physics is now telling us this!

So, use your emotions to gauge how you are feeling and if you are feeling bad then begin immediately to change your thoughts to the opposite. Focus on what you want until you begin to feel good. Through persistence you will thus condition yourself for success.

Step2. Let Go!

Don't try to force the issue by trying to work out every little detail of how you are going to achieve your desires. Just by focusing on them you set in motion powerful forces that will bring people, situations and circumstances that will open up opportunities for achieve what you want.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a plan of action. In fact this is very desirable. Just don't get so caught up in the plan that you lose sight of the goal.

Learn to have an optimistic yet detached view. By grabbing and trying to force every situation in your favour you merely cause yourself frustration. This will mean you never enjoy the journey towards success but more than that it means you are focusing on the lack of your desire. You always get more of what you focus on!

Step 3. Take action!

Being flexible and allowing the Universe to show you the way towards your goals and desires is definitely the best way to achieve success.

It is necessary, however, for you to take some action or at least be willing to take some. Take one step forward and the Universe will take ten steps to meet you!

The whole point of changing your beliefs is so that your thoughts change and thus your actions change also. If you take action, even tiny baby steps, towards your desires and goals you have already ensured that you will eventually reach them.

If you want to walk from LA to New York you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer hugeness of the goal. However, if you walk 5 miles every day within a week you will be 35 miles closer to your goal. It may take you almost a year and a half to reach your destination but it is possible when you break the goal down and take some action! When you are willing to take action you will find that strange things begin to happen. You may just find that the Universe sends a Porsche to give you a lift! - "The journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step", Chinese proverb.

Follow these three simple steps to success and your life will change in ways you never before dreamed were possible.

3 Personal Development Steps To Success

The Self Improvement industry constantly tells us that we must change our beliefs if we are ever to achieve the success we desire. Personal Development teachers point out the fact that action is necessary in order to achieve change and alter our lives to reflect our dreams and ambitions. Well how do you get yourself to take action when you don't know what action to take and when the world is telling you to stay put and not to strive for the impossible?

There is only one way!

Change your beliefs - This is real Personal Development Power!

The greatest of Self Improvement teachers tell you that in order to achieve success and have the ability to take action you must first alter your beliefs. But why is this and how can you do it?

Well, our beliefs are merely a set of thoughts that you have about a given subject. They do not need to be, and usually aren't, based of any real hard facts. Did you know that there are many psychological studies that show the views people have about themselves are wrong. Most people tend to be very hard on themselves and rarely give themselves credit for their achievements or recognize their own strengths. If you are a normal human being then you are doing exactly the same thing!

Since thought always precedes action, it is imperative to change your disempowering, self-defeating destructive beliefs to empowering ones that will create drive, confidence, faith and, ultimately, success!

By changing your beliefs your core thoughts will change and thus your actions will be completely different than they have been before and in alignment with your desires. I can give you 3 simple, yet highly effective, steps which you can start to use immediately to change your beliefs and your life. They only require a small amount of effort but you do need a lot of persistence to keep following them! Remember its all about taking action.

Step 1. Learn to recognize your emotional responses and you will learn to control your thoughts.

When you begin to watch your emotions you will learn to control your thoughts. Our emotions are just a by-product of the thoughts we are thinking. When you think a sad thought you get sad and when you think a happy thought you feel happy. Although to many people this sounds overly simply YOU must realize that there is great wisdom and huge rewards that come from watching your feelings.

When you feel bad it means you are thinking about the things you do not want. When you are experiencing joyful happy emotions it is a clear indication that your thoughts are in the same direction as your goals and desires. Feeling good means you are focusing on the things in life that you really want! Teach yourself to be aware of your emotional state. By watching how you feel you can easily regulate your thoughts.

Make the decision now to watch how you are feeling, especially when you are concentrated on your goals and desires. When you feel bad and are experiencing negative emotions it is a sign that your thinking is in the wrong direction. Feeling bad is an indication that you are focused on the things in life that you do not want. If you are feeling good then you are focused on the benefits of actually having what you want. You always get more of what you focus on even quantum physics is now telling us this!

So, use your emotions to gauge how you are feeling and if you are feeling bad then begin immediately to change your thoughts to the opposite. Focus on what you want until you begin to feel good. Through persistence you will thus condition yourself for success.

Step2. Let Go!

Don't try to force the issue by trying to work out every little detail of how you are going to achieve your desires. Just by focusing on them you set in motion powerful forces that will bring people, situations and circumstances that will open up opportunities for achieve what you want.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a plan of action. In fact this is very desirable. Just don't get so caught up in the plan that you lose sight of the goal.

Learn to have an optimistic yet detached view. By grabbing and trying to force every situation in your favour you merely cause yourself frustration. This will mean you never enjoy the journey towards success but more than that it means you are focusing on the lack of your desire. You always get more of what you focus on!

Step 3. Take action!

Being flexible and allowing the Universe to show you the way towards your goals and desires is definitely the best way to achieve success.

It is necessary, however, for you to take some action or at least be willing to take some. Take one step forward and the Universe will take ten steps to meet you!

The whole point of changing your beliefs is so that your thoughts change and thus your actions change also. If you take action, even tiny baby steps, towards your desires and goals you have already ensured that you will eventually reach them.

If you want to walk from LA to New York you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer hugeness of the goal. However, if you walk 5 miles every day within a week you will be 35 miles closer to your goal. It may take you almost a year and a half to reach your destination but it is possible when you break the goal down and take some action! When you are willing to take action you will find that strange things begin to happen. You may just find that the Universe sends a Porsche to give you a lift! - "The journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step", Chinese proverb.

Follow these three simple steps to success and your life will change in ways you never before dreamed were possible.