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Personal Development | Personal development plan

Personal Development At Work

Personal development is such a huge industry, in fact it is one of the fastest growing industries around. There are several employers that provide their employees with personal development at work. It has become a 60 billion a year industry, and is continuing to grow.

Employers have take the opportunity to provide it at work because it has been known to improve attendance at work, increase employee motivation, and increase work performance at work. It is a great way to live and begin to utilize, because it gives you back the power to your life. If you do not presently utilize it at work or at home, then most likely you do not feel as if you are in control of your life. From a business standpoint it is worth providing your employees with personal development at work, because it will empower them to accomplish all the work on a timely manner. Plus it will also make them feel better about themselves.

When people become involved with personal development or self help they realize that life is great and they become empowered become they can create a life filled with passion and can have be or do anything they desire. The great news is you do not have to wait until your employer provides you with the opportunity to access this at work, you can begin today. There are several opportunities available around us to become involved with this powerful way of living.

People have used personal development at work and as a way to make a living from it. You are probably wondering how can I make a living from it? Well there are several personal development companies that you can become an independent distributor and begin making a successful living from. You can honestly make a successful living from becoming an entrepreneur and being an independent distributor. Most of them provide training from other successful entrepreneurs in the same business who are already making a six or seven figure.

However if you decide not to become an entrepreneur then you can invest in the personal development course itself, which will help you immensely. The program I have invested in is a 90 day program and it is a home study course with interactive exercises you can work on your own. The exercises are meant to help you work through any obstacles that are holding you back and will help you change your mindset and beliefs so that you can begin achieving success in any area in your life.

Some employers do not provide personal development at work, if you are in a situation like this and not being exposed to the powerful living of this and do not understand how important the law of attraction is, my suggestion to you is to get your hands on a personal development program that can assist you to develop new life changing habits. As you do this and begin to change your life you will better understand how powerful and how much potential you truly possess.

You may enjoy your job and may not desire to become an entrepreneur. That is fine not everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, however I believe everyone should possess a program that can help them and their family change their lives.

In my opinion personal development at work is great, however I believe that anyone with a pulse can benefit from the program I utilize. As you get your hands on this program you will understand what has been holding you back in certain areas of your lives. In short ... You can change anything in your life forever in just a short 90 days.

What is Personal Development Coaching?

To understand what a personal development coach does, you must first understand what personal development means. Personal development is a path towards well being through behavior modification and self improvement techniques. Simply put, it is being able to enjoy your life in a conscious way by improving yourself and circumstances. It can be improving yourself in one area or a complete overhaul of your life. Typically, personal growth is a consistent intention done purposely daily. For many people, self improvement is a continual necessary process. By improving ourselves, we dramatically improve our outcomes and opportunities. But for many wishing to change, they lack the knowledge or tools to do so. This is where personal development coaches came aboard.

Personal development coaching was created especially to educate and motivate individuals who desired a positive vision for their life. Called "Life Coaches", these teachers embrace powerful strategies for self management and personal growth. There are different categories of life coaches. Each life coach has his specialty area and unique approach. Some teach how to change habits, while some embrace more spiritual design platforms. Personal development coaching can include anything from how to improve your relationships to overcoming public speaking. Whatever weak areas exist in your life, a life coach can be called in to strengthen and encourage.

A life coach can help you redefine your purpose for living. They have the skill and resources needed to re-direct your life into a more meaningful existence. Everybody needs a strong support system and reinforcing positive feedback. It is the food necessary for good mental health, and for personal growth. Not everybody has access to a quality support system. Just as a personal body trainer whips a person into physical shape, a life coach whips a person's life into shape.

Life can layer setbacks easily. Confidence can wash in and out in a moment. There are those stuck patterns in living which make it seem near impossible to move forward. In personal development coaching these patterns are tackled head on.

It is with the help of a life coach self-actualization happens. The right life coach will teach you how to be an over-comer. The message is delivered through positive tools you can use to restructure problem areas. Many large companies schedule professional and executive seminars to help their employees with career objectives. Motivational speakers and life coaches aim hard with their messages. The seminars are said to increase productivity and round out the work environments.

Not everybody needs a life coach. Ascertaining whether or not you need one depends on your needs. If you just cannot work through the setbacks, or if you need to learn new behaviors, then you probably want to consider seeking out a life coach. Everybody is doing it, so never feel you have to struggle alone. You owe it to yourself to maximize your human potential. The first step to self improvement is acknowledging your weaknesses. The second step is to find the help you need. A life coach could be your saving grace.

Personal Development Plans - Can They Help You Achieve Your Goals

Do you realise the power of having a personal development plan? It's like having your very own blueprint for success in your life – tailored to create your life exactly how you want it to be. If I could show you how to build your own personal development plan, would you be willing to devote 10 -15 minutes per day to nurture it and put it into practise?

Before we get started, let me ask you a question: "Why do successful people seem to find it easier to get what they want in life?" And why do some people get to the top of their careers and earn good money, while you continue to struggle to make a decent living?

The way I see it is this – the people who are able to achieve their goals and ambitions in life, with relative ease are much less inhibited, and are even totally un-inhibited.

These people still get nervous and anxious when in demanding situations that take them outside of their comfort zone, but they have learnt how to control those limiting and dysfunctional emotions and behaviours and even eliminate them completely from their lives.

Successful people have learned the behaviours they need to achieve their goals, and they practice them on very regular occasions. So much so, their old, limiting behaviours have all but been eliminated from their life, and their new empowering behaviours and now the norm.

If these people can learn how to not feel nervous and anxious in important situations, so can you.

If these people have learned how to remain calm and relaxed when they get into winning positions in sport, so can you.

If these people have learned how to stand in front of a room full of people, be relaxed, smile, and present their ideas, so can you.

And if these people have learned how to overcome their frustrations and inabilities to achieve their highest goals in life, so can you.

If you can dedicate 5 to 10 minutes each day to practising some simple NLP techniques, you can start to take control of your fears and frustrations and turn them into positive and empowering emotions.

Before you turn tail and run at the thought of learning some NLP techniques, or if you're not really sure what it is, in it's simplest form, Neuro Linguistic Programming is basically a method of helping you change the way you habitually react to any given situation. When you experience anxiety or frustration, you are simply reacting negatively to the situation that is causing those emotions. NLP teaches you how you can easily change your reactions to be positive and empowering.

To get started, there are two very simple exercises you need to learn and practice:

1. You need to become aware of all the situations and environments that make you feel nervous, anxious and inhibited. Carry a little notebook in your pocket so that you can make note of them whenever they occur.

In order to start tearing down the barriers that are standing in your way, you need to know exactly what those barriers are.

2. The second exercise is even easier – you simply need to write down how you would like to feel most of the time, and what feelings and behaviours you want to eliminate from your life.

Take you time to do step two thoroughly – the more detailed your list, the better you will be able to focus in on those areas, and create a personal development plan that supports your goals.

Personal Development Growth - What's Right For You?

There are so many personal growth products it can be difficult to choose what's best.

* Most, if not all, of them do work.
* Most, if not all, of them probably won't work for you unless you apply the techniques.
* Most, if not all, of them are easy to put into practice but tweaking and fine tuning them may take longer.
* Most, if not all, of them require some of your time - anything from a few minutes to an hour a day.
* Regularly. Not just once or twice.
* Most, if not all, of them work better if you've got someone else (a "buddy") to work with, giving each other encouragement and support.

Which kind of suggests pick a product you get on with and that requires the amount of regular time you can afford.

* Meditation/Centerpointe: 10 - 60 minutes a day plus maybe some kind of "induction" course.
* Subliminal videos: 8 - 20 minutes a day.
* Subliminal audios: 10 - 60 minutes a day.
* Tony Robbins: various durations plus probably an introduction day or more.
* Sedona: 1 - 8 hours of listening initially, then a few seconds to release each item as it comes up, when it comes up.
* New Psycho Cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz, updated by Dan Kennedy): a book to read initially then regular work on your self image.
* Effort Free Life System: 6 hours plus of CDs plus several short mental exercises a day

The biggest problem with any of these is the initial regular implementation. Once you've done something for 14 - 28 days, it's a habit. Most of the "it doesn't work" brigade can be found in the trail of bodies who haven't worked on the idea long enough for it to become a habit.

So, it's really a case of:

* Pick a method. Any method (I'm sounding like a magician there!)
* Study the method long enough to know what you need to do to start. Don't worry about perfection. Starting is much more important.
* Start practicing on a regular basis.
* Keep going on a regular basis. Once a week, twice a week, weekdays only, weekends only, daily, whatever. This is where the "buddy" comes in to gently nag you to keep going.
* Set a target if that's appropriate.
* Make that target realistic, so your brain will believe you. And work towards it on a regular basis so your brain starts to realize you're serious this time.
* Revise your target if appropriate. There's nothing wrong in deciding that the original direction you wanted to go in is no longer appropriate.
* Keep working on it.
* Keep going on a regular basis so it becomes habit. Something you always do, like cleaning your teeth.
* Don't switch and change between methods just because someone else is doing something different.
* Remember the saying "all roads lead to Rome". If you've picked a method you get on with and stuck with it, you'll almost certainly get there.

So, pick a method you get on with. Pick a regular time that's good for you and is unlikely to get shifted out of the way by the slightest excuse.

Then start.

After starting, keep going.

Tune out the naysayers. Get help from your "buddy" if available. In turn, help them back.

In a year's time, look back on this as the turning point in your life.

The Power of Books to Transform Your Life

I was listening to "America's Success Coach", Jack Canfield, recently and he told a story that reminded me of Bob Proctor's "333 Story" from his international bestseller "You Were Born Rich". In summary, the "333 Story" is a great example of what you can achieve when you make a firm decision and remain open to possibilities rather than focus on obstacles.

Jack Canfield recounted that while he was in Atlanta promoting his book, "Success Principles: How to get from where you are to where you want to be", that he was interviewed by a woman who said his publisher had sent her two copies of his book. She read one and gave the second copy to her brother who had been unemployed for three years. He was depressed and refused to venture out.

Well three weeks later her brother had finished the book. He shaved, put on a suit and attended three job interviews. Just three days later he was offered a job. Just writing about this gives me goose bumps. Books indeed have the power to transform your life.

It was novelist, journalist and poet, Christopher Morley who said:

"When you give someone a book, you don't give him just paper, ink, and glue. You give him the possibility of a whole new life."

This man had certainly been given a new lease on life when he was given the gift of "Success Principles".

It can be argued that one book has single-handedly transformed the world of personal development. Someone gave a little green book to Lloyd Conant who spent an entire weekend reading and rereading its contents. On Monday morning he decided that he would build a world-class corporation and that is exactly what he did. Nightingale-Conant is a giant in the field of personal development. The company is recognised around the world for the quality of its training programs and all the leaders in the field of personal and business development, marketing and sales training, spiritual growth and wealth building aspire to have their resources distributed by Nightingale-Conant.

One evening, Lloyd Conant told Bob Proctor and Harold Gash, two of his "top lieutenants", about the little green book. Proctor was just itching to discover the name of the book and more importantly what was written in the pages of this book that has had directed Lloyd Conant to his true purpose in life - to put the inspirational and educational recordings of Earl Nightingale in every home around the world. The book was "The Science of Getting Rich" and, though its text is outdated by our twenty-first century standards, it continues to fascinate and inspire a new army of transformational leaders.

Bob Proctor says of "The Science of Getting Rich" that:

"The contents of this book have served as the foundation for every personal development program I have written for the past quarter century."

In fact, Bob Proctor used this book as the basis of his "Science of Getting Rich" seminar - a powerful seminar that has helped thousands of people across the world better understand, and apply with outstanding results, the process of wealth creation.

The little green book inspired Rhonda Byrne to create and produce the movie "The Secret" - a movie which I recently heard described as a blockbuster. That made me smile for this movie does not feature the likes of Bruce Willis, Halle Berry, Samuel L Jackson, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Matt Damon or George Clooney. There are no breath-taking action scenes, suspenseful car chases or even elaborate sets.

Instead, the movie features the likes of Bob Proctor, Loral Langemeier, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, Dr Joe Vitale and Bob Doyle among others. The film stars teachers, philosophers, finance experts, psychologists, physicists and authors. Bizarre, isn't it? But when you understand the spirit in which this film was made it really is no surprise that it has been as successful as it has been and, more importantly, the power of this movie to transform lives across the globe.

"As you learn The Secret you will come to know how you can have, be or do anything you want. You will come to know who you really are. You will come to know the true magnificence that awaits you in life."
Rhonda Byrne

I'm sure you can recall a book, perhaps even given to you by a friend or loved one, that made a significant impact on your life. I urge you therefore, to continuing reading inspirational books and to give someone you care about the gift of a great book.

Personal Development - Why Bother?

Personal Development - Why do you need to bother developing as a person? It's hard work, but to reach your greatness you have to be continually developing as a person.

What Is Personal Development: It is continually putting yourself in a position where you are going to be challenged and motivated to dig deeper and reach higher to maximise yourself as a person. It is taking control of your personal growth and forcing yourself not to stay still and become stagnant, but to move toward greatness and better yourself and therefore your future.

How Do I Develop Myself As A Person? There are so many ways! Here are a few!

- Begin to read! There are hundreds of books available on personal development. You can buy them online, borrow them from a friend, or even rent them from your local library.

- Sign up online for inspirational e courses. Most of these are free and you will receive a motivational email once a week or more often depending.

- Take a course. If there are things that you would like to do, but you are not qualified, take a course in it. It may just be once a week, but you are developing yourself as a person and putting yourself in a position to be challenged.

These are just simple ways that you can begin to apply to your life today to begin to develop yourself. In doing so you are growing yourself as a person and moving toward reaching your greatness. Do not give up! Keep at it!

Is there greatness on the inside of you but you don't know how to achieve it? I have just completed my brand new 7 part e-course, 'Find Your Greatness'

Can Personal Development Help You To Get Everything You Want?

Do you think you could imagine a better life for yourself and those you love if a genie appeared and told you that you were only a thought away from your perfect life. Do you believe that it is possible for you to envision that perfect life in such detail that it seems real at the time? Do you think if the genie said to you that every small detail would become reality in a very short time and that you had time to prepare your vision, you could perfect that mental image? What would you place in your mental picture? What you you have? What would you be? What would you do?

Well fasten your seatbelt and get ready for the ride of your life. It really is possible to be, do and have anything that you can imagine and it is possible through some simple personal development techniques!

So ask yourself the question, "what would I do if I knew I couldn't fail?"

There are only two things that can stop you from having what you want in life and being the person you aspire to be.

1. Lack of Clarity. It is important to be specific about what you want. Most people fail to achieve or gain the things in life that they want simply because they do not know what they want. Their desires are like leaves in a breeze, blown this way and that on the winds of change. You must be clear on exactly what you want if you are ever to achieve it. A strong vision of your future is the first and most important step in goal achievement.

To get clear do the following exercise: Take a piece of paper and write as many things you can think of that would make you happy. Give yourself three minutes to complete this exercise. Don't limit yourself. Don't allow limitations to get in the way. No matter how unbelievable it may appear or how impossible it may seem right now don't let it discourage you. There is a universal maxim that states "You only have a desire because you are capable of achieving it!"

Now after you have written your desires down number them from 1 upwards in order of importance. Chose the three most important desires on your list. These will be your goals that you will focus on first and accomplish before the others. Ensure that these are the most important things to you at this time.

2. Resistance. Now there are people in this world that are very clear on what they want in life. In fact not only are they clear on what they want but they are also very clear on how to get it, yet no matter how hard they try they seem to make little, or no, progress. Why is this?

Resistance is the only thing stopping you! Your resistance is the only reason that you have never achieved your desires. Re you one of these people? Do you harbour resistance within your being? Somewhere deep within you are conflicting beliefs that stop you from achieving success.

You must weed out these destructive modes of thought and feeling in order to achieve your aims. Truly when you have resistance it just means that you are not yet fully clear on what you want.

Your thoughts are only creative. Do you realise that your entire world has been constructed from your thought. If you have resistant thoughts then you are sending out mixed messages to the universe. On the one hand you have the thoughts that reflect your desires but on the other hand you have thoughts of doubt, confusion, disbelief or fear.

It is essential to do one of two things.

1. Get so clear on what you want that you wipe out resistance through your belief in your vision.
2. Destroy destructive thoughts at their core and you remove resistance from your thoughts, emotions and life.

Here is the key to universe and to achieving everything you want in life - YOU ALWAYS GET MORE OF WHAT YOU FOCUS ON in Life! We all have a tendency however, and this includes you, to believe more in what is not possible than what is possible. If you are honest with yourself and take inventory of your own nature you will find that you tend to focus more on your personal limitations than on your strengths and capabilities. Do you tend to focus on what you cannot do, or do you focus on what you can do? Do you focus on what you want or do you focus on the lack of it? There are many great techniques for eliminating resistance from your thoughts, feelings and beliefs. The easier way to overcome resistance, for the novice personal development student, is to get very clear on your what you want. When you are totally clear you believe so strongly in your vision that nothing can stand in the way of its manifestation!

You can begin with a visualization technique where you imagine your ideal scene twice daily. Visualise your ideal scene every morning just after you waken and then again at night just before you turn to sleep. See the image as having already happened. Imagine it as though you have already achieved the three most important things on your list. Actually step into the picture and live it as though you already had it. Feel all the great feelings that being, doing and having that vision conjure up in you.

Then when you go about your day reinforce that picture by acting as though it were already true. Evoke the same feelings you had when visualising it and you will convince your subconscious mind that your visualised life is really your true reality right now. Once this happens nothing can stop its achievement!

Stay focused on what you want. If you have negative thoughts realise that this is just resistance and when you catch yourself doing it - stop. Then immediately think the opposite thought while evoking strong feeling with the thought. It is important to evoke positive feelings when you call to mind your vision. If you start to feel frustrated that you have not yet achieved your vision take several deep breaths and concentrate on the rewards of having. Get yourself back into a state of feeling good!

If you wish to create your life the way you want it to be then this is the only personal development tool you need. It is not always easy to learn at first but the rewards are worth many times the effort required to master it. If need be seek out quality assistance to or any of the great tools available to help you stay focused and remove resistance but most importantly of all enjoy the journey and transition from where you are now to the deliberate creator you were born to be!!

Define Your Personal Goals

Can you define your personal goals? Do you even have any goals set for yourself? If not ask yourself "am I not worthy of setting goals for myself; do I not deserve to know where I want to be in six months from today?" It is a sad statistic but only 4% of our society actually set goals for themselves. You can not expect to accomplish anything different in your life if you can not define your personal goals.

Do you want your kids to have an easy successful life? I am sure you would like to be a good role model and teach them to get past their fears and work forward towards their ventures.

If you learn to define your personal goals; your family will follow your examples. It would be great to see your son receive a full paid scholarship because you helped him set some academic goals. Also wouldn't it be great if you were able to put an extra $100 a month into savings because you sat down with your spouse and came up with some financial goals. All this is possible if you can get your hands on a personal development program that will help you define your personal goals.

It is never too late to begin setting goals for yourself. However if you truly desire to become successful in anything you must begin today.

Most people do not begin setting goals, because they do not know the first step in the process. One of the things I do to always keep my mind and energy on what I desire is; I carry a small laminated card that fits into my pocket or my pocket book. I am able to look at it everyday as I strive to reach it. I will share with you what mine says to give you an idea of what your goal should look like:

"I am so happy and grateful I am now making $9,000.00 monthly income from my endeavors."

This is my goal, of course yours will be different. However when you do write yours down on a card that you can carry with you; make sure you make it in the present tense. Write it down as if you are already doing whatever it is you desire. Believe me this helps the subconscious bring it to you quicker. The biggest step is to be able to define your personal goals.

Once you realize what drives you and what you are passionate about you can begin putting an action plan together to make it become a reality. Be open to opportunities that come your way. You must be willing to take risks, without them you will never accomplish anything different that what you have already accomplished. If you go through life avoiding risks, then you will never change your lifestyle.

No one who has avoided risks in their lives has ever accomplished anything great. You can take a look at all the successful stories in our history; you will notice that anyone and everyone who accomplished anything was willing to take some measure of risk. It is not a difficult process to define your personal goals and then be willing to do whatever it takes to reach them.

As soon as you begin reaching some of the short term goals you set for yourself, you will realize that the whole process becomes easier. So take the time and sit down with your spouse; look over some personal development programs. You will be able to find some on my site, I have listed some of the ones that have assisted me along my journey.

You can both begin utilizing them to assist you on creating the life you desire. Work together as a family, however remember it is important to be able to define some personal goals that you desire. These goals should be something that will make you happy, and may not influence your family.

Have fun with this and let's set some goals that we can reach together. Always remember to be open to detours and do not be hard on yourself if you do not reach the first couple of goals you set.