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Personal Development Tips - 7 Qualities of a Successful Leader

To be truly successful in your life, your career, your community or in any area, you need to develop the qualities of a leader. First and foremost, you will need to be able lead yourself to success. Furthermore, true success often requires you to lead other people as well. Here are 7 personal development tips – the qualities of successful leaders.

There are 7 important qualities of a leader that you should know about, assimilate and practice every day in your life. You may already recognise some of them in your self – that’s a good start. Be assured, we all have the makings of a leader in us. You just need to build on that base to incorporate more of the qualities of a leader a bit at a time.

As you get closer to the qualities of a true leader you will find that you begin to act like a leader and people behave as if you are leader. Leaders are the people who have the greatest rewards in all walks of life. Whether in business, or in society or in the community.

Seven qualities of a leader

Integrity. Integrity means that you are true to yourself and your ideas. You are someone you can trust and someone other people can trust. This is possibly the most important quality. You should always strive to do things that you are proud to explain to anyone.

Understand the area you want to be a leader in. You simply won’t have a thorough grasp of the area you are trying to be a leader in. This applies to any walk of life – business, community, spiritual… All leaders have a good grasp of the basics and the key details.

This is not to say that you have to know everything there is to know – that is the job of the specialist, but you need to be able to talk to specialists and contribute some guidance to their work.

Consistency. When you are trying to lead people, you will rapidly loose the trust of your followers if you constantly change your mind and your direction. They will feel uncertain about their future and eventually you will loose them. This applies to yourself as well. If you are constantly changing direction, you will end up running round in circles and going nowhere.

Ability to admit your mistakes. One of the greatest cause of failure is not being willing to admit your mistakes. If you lie to yourself, you are fooling no one but yourself. You must be able to face up to your mistakes otherwise you will miss tremendous opportunities to learn from your mistakes and accelerate your success.

Willingness to listen. You can never know all the answers, you must be able to deal with contradictions and leverage the vast pool of knowledge that is around you.

Decisiveness. Great leaders make decisions and they make them quickly. Even if they are wrong, you’ll learn more by taking action than by not taking the decision. You can always make another decision based on your learning.

Self Belief. If you don’t believe in your self… no one will! You will face a lot of setbacks and obstacles. You need to believe in yourself and your ability to solve the problems and achieve your dreams. If you believe in yourself you will display an burning passion for your idea that will motivate others to follow you.

The Barriers To Personal Growth And Development

The Barriers to Personal Growth and Development are caused by six reasons that people do not take action on the things they want to experience in life. The six reasons are lack of personal growth, uneducated about personal development, do not set goals, they feel the fear and do not do it anyway, negative feedback from people, and many growth barriers that was acquired while growing up as an adult in life.

So, why is it that many people around the world have a lot of barriers to personal growth and development in their lives today? I often asked myself the same questions about me, and many other people that I have learned from over the years in life. Through the many people I have interviewed over the past year personal growth and development have been a big part of their life.

The first reason that people do not take action in their lives is due to a lack of personal growth. Most people simply will not take any action to improve on their personal growth to improve their lives greatly by experiencing something new in their life.

Second, they are uneducated about personal development being apart of their life. Most people do not understand what personal development is all about, so they are uneducated about how to improve their own life as well as other people in their environment.

The third reason is because people do not set goals to achieve the things they want in life. How many times have you heard a person say I just set a new goal today that’s going to be completed by the end of the week? Not many I bet unless they hung around many like minded individuals that set goals on regular bases in their lives.

Fourth, they feel the fear and do not do it anyway. Most people feel the fear when they are doing things that make them uncomfortable and yet do not go through with it anyway to see results in their experiences.

The fifth reason is negative feedback from people that even do not understand their own life to the degree of giving someone else advise about certain issues in life. I use to hear many times how people are influenced form negative feedback that they got from other people in their life that hinders them from improving their own.

The six reasons are many growth barriers that were acquired while growing up as an adult in life. Most people walk around their entire time on this planet holding on to a lot of garbage that happen in the past to them while growing up as an adult. They keep those same ideas, thinking and feelings so long in their lives to that in itself becomes a habitual way of being in this world today. The best advice that I could give to another human being is this in two words personal development. Apply personal development in your life and you will be amazed at the many new things you will begin to experience in your life today.