Personal Development In The Public School System

You know, with the evolution of technology and the human mind, you would really think that today's education system would evolve along with the evolution of society. We have children that are capable of learning and doing so much, yet we still tend to regurgitate the same information over and over again.

Why do we not teach children to become successful? Why do we not teach them to save money? Why do we not teach them that they are capable of creating things that are unimaginable?

Perhaps it is because teachers, today, are not educated on such things. They say to make a difference in the world or, to promote change, we need to start at the child level. Where this is correct, how could we possibly begin at the child level, when the teachers have no idea how to teach these skills?

Here's a thought, there are many personal development speakers and mentors around the world that are capable of teaching older adults to create substantial success in their lives; why are we not providing our children with this education. Think about it, what would it take to integrate personal and success development into the public school systems at the education level.

There are many people who have seen the movie "The Secret" but, what most don't realize is that they left 90% of the details out of that movie. But, the mentors that were speaking throughout that movie, are some of the most profound educators that this world has to offer. What would it truly take to acquire the assistance of these phenomenally talented mentors to help develop a new educational system. Wouldn't it be something if the knowledge that is passed on to our children today, was to decide their success, abundance and happiness tomorrow?

One of the most amazing facts that I realize is, children obtain and retain a majority of the knowledge they learn from the ages of 4 to 12 years of age. So why do we tend to begin teaching algebra and language to kids when they are 13 and fourteen years old?

If we realize that kids are willing to learn more at a younger age, then why does our public school system wait until our children are going through one of the most trying stages of their lives to teach them new knowledge!?

I am a parent, an educator and a mentor. I am a success coach and a radio talk show host. I am creating a fortune 500 company. Did I learn these skills from my parents? No, my parents are farmers who, when I was a child, brought home $150 a week. So, did I learn these skills in elementary school, high school or, college maybe? No I did not.

It wasn't until I was seeking for guidance from the personal development industry that I truly began to realize my passion and my soul purpose. Wow, wouldn't that be a lesson we could teach our children...How to find our passion and develop our soul purpose. Do you think, perhaps, that they would become more successful as a result of doing what they are passionate about? Maybe they will not become rich and famous...but that's what's nice about wealth and success, it has nothing to do with money, it is a characteristic of life that stems from within the people who are following their passions and developing what they believe to be wealth and abundance.

We seriously need to take a long, hard look at the way we are educating our children today. My wife was attending a university to become an elementary school teacher here in Pittsburgh. She decided to ask one of her professors this question, "If you had to state what our purpose is, as elementary school teachers, what would you say our soul responsibility is to these children?" His answer? "To prepare them to be able to acquire employment."

That statement, alone, should make you sick to your stomach...

My wife immediately changed her major from elementary education, to educational development and Psychology. Why? Because as a future educator, she understood the purpose of following one's passion and she knew that, as a teacher, she could not change the educational system. But, as somebody who is in the field of developing education for children, she can have a substantial impact.

I truly hope that this article has not offended any compassionate educators, but I'm sure it hasn't, considering, that if you are truly compassionate and passionate toward the education of our children... then these facts are staring you boldly in the face. Maybe you feel that there is nothing you can do to change things...but what have you done today to do so?