Personal Development Through Courage
We have all had times when something takes away all of our courage. We succumb to the effects of doubt, fear, self pity, and denial. It is at these moments in time when our resolve is tested in any endeavor. If you are truly passionate about what you are doing you will stand refusing to give in to the weakness.
Struggles are a natural part of any process. Through the challenges that we face we are building a solid structure. It will not only stand the test of our individual lifetime, but quite possibly endure through time. All great projects, including each one of us, are the sum of countless actions. These actions either build a palace or a shack.
When we are in the process of building our lives our greatest concern must be accuracy. People today marvel at the accuracy with which the pyramids were constructed. With no knowledge of the methods that were employed by the builders it seems utterly impossible for the time when they were built. How did they do it? They used the overwhelming abundance of natural laws to their advantage. Through the power of observation, and action they were able to accomplish the impossible.
Natural laws are absolutely the key to everything. We can observe that water always seeks to rest in a plane across the gravitational axis. The Egyptians observed this natural law and employed its use for insuring their foundations were absolutely level. They followed other natural laws regarding leverage, and consumption. I think you can see that these basic laws of construction, are an absolute in the business world as well.
Egyptian builders knew that their projects would require extreme physical effort, and resources. In turn there would be a demand placed for many consumable products.
I believe you get the picture. Take what you have, observe the natural laws pertaining to what you are trying to accomplish, finally put it all together by leveraging time, energy, and material.
To take on any task of magnitude we have to focus on the big picture. This is a critical key to the success. What will the requirements be? As always time, energy, and material. Those are the key elements, but the catalyst, which brings the elements into a symphony of production, is the human will, from the will comes forth action.
Our will is the most powerful force on this planet, second only to terrestrial forces in existence. Mankind has reshaped the earth in many ways with this force. The will to succeed, survive, surpass, create, and even destroy is extremely powerful. It can change the course of rivers, build magnificent structures, and unlock mysteries that are hidden.
The driving forces behind this will are thought, emotion, and action. The will is then manipulated with the elements of our character. Our character is the gravity, which pulls our will into a state of equilibrium with our ambition, and environment. This character is charged either positively or negatively. Compare say Jesus Christ with Genghus Khan.
Now lets come full circle back to courage. It is responsible for one to charge in when the odds are against you, to attempt what others would have you believe cannot be done, to get up after a crippling defeat and push forward. Courage is a great ally for you to develop. It's nature is pure, and its effects are astounding. It is the limitless potential of courage that will help you discover the natural laws necessary to complete your own life's work.
This life holds all the time, energy, and material that you will ever need. Have courage that you will discover the hidden. Strive for understanding every day. The primary element of success is to have the courage to keep going no matter what things appear to be like. Your courage is what will bring to life discipline, desire, and determination. So be very courageous in all that you do.
Struggles are a natural part of any process. Through the challenges that we face we are building a solid structure. It will not only stand the test of our individual lifetime, but quite possibly endure through time. All great projects, including each one of us, are the sum of countless actions. These actions either build a palace or a shack.
When we are in the process of building our lives our greatest concern must be accuracy. People today marvel at the accuracy with which the pyramids were constructed. With no knowledge of the methods that were employed by the builders it seems utterly impossible for the time when they were built. How did they do it? They used the overwhelming abundance of natural laws to their advantage. Through the power of observation, and action they were able to accomplish the impossible.
Natural laws are absolutely the key to everything. We can observe that water always seeks to rest in a plane across the gravitational axis. The Egyptians observed this natural law and employed its use for insuring their foundations were absolutely level. They followed other natural laws regarding leverage, and consumption. I think you can see that these basic laws of construction, are an absolute in the business world as well.
Egyptian builders knew that their projects would require extreme physical effort, and resources. In turn there would be a demand placed for many consumable products.
I believe you get the picture. Take what you have, observe the natural laws pertaining to what you are trying to accomplish, finally put it all together by leveraging time, energy, and material.
To take on any task of magnitude we have to focus on the big picture. This is a critical key to the success. What will the requirements be? As always time, energy, and material. Those are the key elements, but the catalyst, which brings the elements into a symphony of production, is the human will, from the will comes forth action.
Our will is the most powerful force on this planet, second only to terrestrial forces in existence. Mankind has reshaped the earth in many ways with this force. The will to succeed, survive, surpass, create, and even destroy is extremely powerful. It can change the course of rivers, build magnificent structures, and unlock mysteries that are hidden.
The driving forces behind this will are thought, emotion, and action. The will is then manipulated with the elements of our character. Our character is the gravity, which pulls our will into a state of equilibrium with our ambition, and environment. This character is charged either positively or negatively. Compare say Jesus Christ with Genghus Khan.
Now lets come full circle back to courage. It is responsible for one to charge in when the odds are against you, to attempt what others would have you believe cannot be done, to get up after a crippling defeat and push forward. Courage is a great ally for you to develop. It's nature is pure, and its effects are astounding. It is the limitless potential of courage that will help you discover the natural laws necessary to complete your own life's work.
This life holds all the time, energy, and material that you will ever need. Have courage that you will discover the hidden. Strive for understanding every day. The primary element of success is to have the courage to keep going no matter what things appear to be like. Your courage is what will bring to life discipline, desire, and determination. So be very courageous in all that you do.