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Personal Development | Personal development plan

Your True Potential

Most people are not living up to their true potential are you one of them? Are you stuck in a rut in your life working at a job that you are not truly happy with, but you stay there because you do not have enough belief in yourself to pursue your goals? Are you living in a relationship that you are not happy with because you feel like you can not do better? If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you are not alone because several people are living under their true potential.

Many people do not set goals for themselves because they do not feel like they will not even be able to reach them. Heck many people do not even know how to set goals. You must begin to realize today that you do possess so much true potential to be do have anything you desire. However before you can begin tapping into it, you must be willing to take risks that can open doors of opportunity to you. Whatever you desire whatever your goals are you can pursue your dreams and as you begin to live life more positively things will begin to unfold the way you envision them.

People are letting fear hold them back, and they end up living a life of regret. You only pass through this life once and if you let fear hold you back then chances are you will never live a life fulfilled and living up to your true potential. You must begin to believe that we were all put on this earth to accomplish great things. The law of the universe is on our side and will help us achieve all great things. You can call it whatever it is you want religion, spirituality, or the law of attraction; it is all the same everything is working for you to be able to tap into your true potential and live life to its fullest.

People will attempt to tell you that you can not be do have anything you desire, as long as you can stop listening to the negative and believe that as long as you persist and believe that you can have anything you will eventually achieve it.

Begin developing new habits that will assist you to feel more positive. As you take the time to write your goals down visualize the outcome you desire on a daily basis. Take the time to continually tell yourself positive affirmations. Read books that will help you stay motivated and constantly learn new things to help you tap into your true potential.

If you desire something then take the time to believe in yourself and have the faith to move forward to it. It does not matter what others believe you can or can not do. All that matters is do you possess the courage to begin tapping into your true potential? Or are you going to keep letting society tell you what you can do?

As you learn to develop your faith you will begin to realize your true potential.

How To Develop Gratitude

Once you learn how to develop gratitude, things will become easier for you to manifest. Yes we can have be do anything we desire you must learn how to develop faith and believe that you were meant to live an abundant life. Most people say because they go to church on Sunday's they have learned how to develop gratitude.

One of the things I have learned how to do to help me develop my gratitude is waking up everyday and giving thanks for just being alive. I run through the things I am grateful for in my life. Yes sometimes it can become a little difficult especially if things are not going the way you would like for them to go. However as you learn to appreciate what you do have then you will begin to attract more of whatever it is you desire.

Take for instance you want to make more money for you and your money however right now you are barely making ends meet. As you begin to give thanks for the food you have to eat, the roof over your head, and the car that you have to drive things will begin to get better for you. Opportunities will begin to show up in your life, checks will begin coming in the mail. You will begin to realize that you will not necessarily have to work eight hours a day to bring money into the house. I know that may seem a little hard to believe but I am speaking from experience.

During my tough times I kept positive and always made sure that I gave thanks for everything in my life; I still do it today. I received two checks in the mail from a past employer I have not worked for in over two years. Yes it was amazing I did not expect any checks from them but they came addressed to me. So if you really want things to be better in your life then begin being appreciative for everything in your life. You do have a lot to be thankful for if you just look at your life.

If you truly wish to experience more abundance, better health, more happiness or whatever it is you want. You must be thankful for everything in your life right now; as you begin giving thanks for everything you will notice more blessings coming into your life. You can not expect anything new or better to come into your life if you are ungrateful for things right now.

Stop complaining about the things you do not like and stay focused on what you wish to experience as you do this you will be grateful for everything in your life. As you begin living your life in this manner you also will become a much more positive person and people will begin becoming attracted to you as well. It is a wonderful way to live and once you live it, you will be happy you chose to be thankful for everything in your life.

Personal Development - Why Is It Important?

We did not come with an instruction manual and the people that taught us what we know very likely did not have one either. Research has been done to assist you in understanding how to attain true health, wealth and happiness.

When I was first introduced to the world of personal development, I was one of those people that said "yeah right". I fought the idea, but my reason for looking in the first place was more compelling than the reason (lack of belief in doing it) not to do it. Working on understanding how you tick is not a fun thing to do at first, because you can tend to focus on all the things that are wrong with you. You have to be willing to accept the fact that you are not perfect and could improve in a number of places. The good news is you also have just as great an opportunity to focus on the good that you have in you too.

Good personal development, that is personal development that allows you to develop personally over time, will take you on a tour of your mind, usually over about 90 days. Part of the trick is to stay with it, after all, you went to school to learn how to learn for 12 years, you may have gone to college to learn specialty skills for 2-5 years or more. The point is you will not understand yourself over night, it will take 90 days just to break into your mind and learn how to operate it and a lifetime to master it.

Have you ever taken the time to assess your good and bad points, understood the background to some of your "bad habits", thought that you are supposed to be wealthy? If not, why not?

Everything we do is based on "beliefs", beliefs are things that we develop over time, some of them are based on fact, some are based on fiction, while others are based on someone else's beliefs. For example, we know that if you touch a stove-top element when it is hot, you will get burned. Maybe you learned this yourself and experienced the pain or you learned this from someone else that told you. Another example could be that you believe you will never be wealthy because either someone told you, or you have experienced it that way so far and have just given up. Shame on you!

Bill Gates, one man, has made over 50 Billion dollars and he is not the only one; he did it from nothing more than an idea. If he believed it when people told him that he could never be a Billionaire, he never would have become one. Bill Gates is a Billionaire because he is a student of personal development; he has learned how to set goals, visualize them and attain them by understanding how his mind works.

Freedom is a belief that most of us do not really understand, one would initially think that freedom would not have any limits or costs. Well, wake-up, if you live like most go and go to a job every day, you are only as free as the distance you can go away from your job so you can be back on time tomorrow.

Now, living Beyond Freedom is a lifestyle that most of us do not believe is possible. Here is the think, there is a life out there that you deserve to have, it can be found in yourself, you just need to know where it is hiding. Living Beyond Freedom will bring you into a whole new world, a world where you can attain true health, wealth and happiness.

So, go find some books, programs, etc. and begin to create the life you know you deserve. If you need some help finding the right ones, contact me and I will get you to the place that I know is best.

Personal Development - Get Ready To Be A Winner

Do you wake each morning filled with joy and happy to be alive? Do you face the coming day with excitement and anticipation? Are you happy with your life and how you have progressed over the years? If the answers to these questions are yes then you do not need to read any further. If, however, you wake each morning feeling trepidation, worry or just plain boredom then read on. If your life is not where you want it to be and you are dissatisfied with your progress then this article is for you.

There is a way to achieve your dreams. There is a way to find happiness. There is a way to uncover the winner that you have always been. You are about to wake the winner that has been sleeping within you.

Perhaps as an adult you have tried to better your life many times only to hit road block after road block. This is a common occurrence for those of us who wish to create better lives and happier environments. Sometimes going or what you want can stir up strong negative emotions and beliefs, leaving you feeling like a failure or loser.

However, do you realise that you were born a winner? You are already a winner! You have achieved the seemingly impossible since the day of your birth. You learned to walk upright on two legs regardless of the fact that you fell many times trying. You learned an unbelievably complex language so well that you don't need to think about what you're saying, all you need to do is hold an image in mind and you can instantly vocalise it! You can say things to yourself in your mind and instantly express those thoughts on paper in the form of words and sentences that were once merely strange symbols to you. Without any conscious effort you can read a book and understand every word. Don't you think it's time to reclaim your birth right and, once again, become the winner that you truly are and apply it to every are of your life?

You were born with tremendous self-belief and self-confidence. You never thought for a moment that was anything that could stop you from having, doing or being anything you wanted. As you got older adults started to tell you that you had boundaries and limitations and slowly but surely you began to believe them. Thus as you progressed in your journey to adulthood you started to learn how to lose in the game of life. You lowered your expectations and began to believe that you were incapable of achieving certain things, should not expect to get what you want and on some level that you are undeserving of success, happiness and achievement.

In order to escape these feelings of disappointment, dissatisfaction and low self-esteem you learned escape mechanisms. Some escape mechanisms involve smoking, drinking alcohol, sex, watching TV, seeking thrills etc. These habits are merely learned behaviour designed to cope with the feelings that drive them which are also learned. None of these states are natural to you!

Your natural state is of bliss, joy and wonderment - just look at a baby! This state of joy with no self-imposed feelings of limitation is the driving force behind success. Before you can achieve success in any endeavour you must uncover at least some of this natural state and remove those negative feelings and beliefs that have been programmed into your mind.

The Personal Development Industry and Self Improvement field have developed numerous methods for removing your self-imposed limiting beliefs in order to uncover the real unlimitedness and joy within you.

The tools available to create inner change range from hypnosis and sound therapy, at one end of the spectrum, to visualization and energy work, at the other. In order to eliminate your own resistance and the negative thoughts and feelings which are holding you back from the life you want you must seek the appropriate tools. There are a myriad of techniques, tools and instruments to help you in this objective. You are a self-fulfilling prophecy. We all create our own worlds. You are creating your tomorrows today!

To achieve success and uncover your true inner joy it is extremely important to monitor your self-talk - the inner dialogue that is constant throughout your day. By doing this you can identify your own self-defeating views about yourself and your world. Watch how you are talking to yourself about yourself and the people around you. If something goes wrong do you immediately blame others, yourself, the world or even God? Do you expect to succeed or fail? Look at your views and identify what your self-talk is telling you about your self-imposed limitations.

Once you have identified these false limitations that you hold you can then seek the appropriate method, technique or tool to eliminate it. Hold the intention that you will identify the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back and then seek some guidance on the best way to remove these inner blocks to your success.

You are manifesting your life on a daily basis and can truly have all that you desire if you take the time to clean-up the garbage in your own mind. Clearing unwanted beliefs is relatively easy these days as there are numerous cutting-edge technologies available. Hypnosis has progressed to a stage where a phobia can be cured with one session, binaural beats, light and sound machines, subliminal messages, the Sedona Method etc., have all been developed to make change happen quickly, easily and in some cases effortlessly. The problem is not having a way to remove these limitations of the mind the only problem you have now is identifying them.

Begin today to watch exactly how you speak to yourself internally. This is the fastest way to understanding how you view yourself and your world. Look for the negative beliefs you hold. Having identified your mental limitations you can get some self improvement tools and begin to change your own ineternal beliefs. Your life will change is ways you can only imagine and you will become the winner you were born to be!