Personal Development Growth - What's Right For You?

There are so many personal growth products it can be difficult to choose what's best.

* Most, if not all, of them do work.
* Most, if not all, of them probably won't work for you unless you apply the techniques.
* Most, if not all, of them are easy to put into practice but tweaking and fine tuning them may take longer.
* Most, if not all, of them require some of your time - anything from a few minutes to an hour a day.
* Regularly. Not just once or twice.
* Most, if not all, of them work better if you've got someone else (a "buddy") to work with, giving each other encouragement and support.

Which kind of suggests pick a product you get on with and that requires the amount of regular time you can afford.

* Meditation/Centerpointe: 10 - 60 minutes a day plus maybe some kind of "induction" course.
* Subliminal videos: 8 - 20 minutes a day.
* Subliminal audios: 10 - 60 minutes a day.
* Tony Robbins: various durations plus probably an introduction day or more.
* Sedona: 1 - 8 hours of listening initially, then a few seconds to release each item as it comes up, when it comes up.
* New Psycho Cybernetics (Maxwell Maltz, updated by Dan Kennedy): a book to read initially then regular work on your self image.
* Effort Free Life System: 6 hours plus of CDs plus several short mental exercises a day

The biggest problem with any of these is the initial regular implementation. Once you've done something for 14 - 28 days, it's a habit. Most of the "it doesn't work" brigade can be found in the trail of bodies who haven't worked on the idea long enough for it to become a habit.

So, it's really a case of:

* Pick a method. Any method (I'm sounding like a magician there!)
* Study the method long enough to know what you need to do to start. Don't worry about perfection. Starting is much more important.
* Start practicing on a regular basis.
* Keep going on a regular basis. Once a week, twice a week, weekdays only, weekends only, daily, whatever. This is where the "buddy" comes in to gently nag you to keep going.
* Set a target if that's appropriate.
* Make that target realistic, so your brain will believe you. And work towards it on a regular basis so your brain starts to realize you're serious this time.
* Revise your target if appropriate. There's nothing wrong in deciding that the original direction you wanted to go in is no longer appropriate.
* Keep working on it.
* Keep going on a regular basis so it becomes habit. Something you always do, like cleaning your teeth.
* Don't switch and change between methods just because someone else is doing something different.
* Remember the saying "all roads lead to Rome". If you've picked a method you get on with and stuck with it, you'll almost certainly get there.

So, pick a method you get on with. Pick a regular time that's good for you and is unlikely to get shifted out of the way by the slightest excuse.

Then start.

After starting, keep going.

Tune out the naysayers. Get help from your "buddy" if available. In turn, help them back.

In a year's time, look back on this as the turning point in your life.