Life Is A Balance

Watching a TV program on the past Sunday talking about the addiction of Internet gaming set me thinking? Am I addicted to Internet Marketing to a certain extent that I started neglected other important things in life? Can a person can be too engrossed in doing certain things that he forgets about the balance?

Giving some thoughts about my own questions actually set me thinking. What was the primary reason for me venturing into Internet Marketing? I remember clearly that it was for 3 primary reasons:

1. Achieve financial freedom ultimately
2. Fulfilling relationships with family and friends
3. Pursuing passion in marketing value to the market

However, when I look back at the activities that I have been engaging for the past few weeks since the end of the boot camp in 17th June, I discover that not only did I not balance my activities, the anxiety state of mind got the better of me. I was too anxious in making the Internet Marketing work in the soonest time possible that I neglected my family; I was too anxious in making sales that I wanted to jump on every affiliate bandwagon even if there was no value in the product and insufficient engagement in personal development resulted in lack of knowledge for necessary application.

Now that I know my challenges, I will be back on track with balance that will empower and equip me with the knowledge and gives me the desired confidence to engage in the necessary activities to achieve what I want in life. Decision has been made to include the following activities in my daily routine: -

1. Morning exercises to keep healthy and fit…
2. Enjoying an hour every day to spend with family…
3. Increasing my goals’ list on what I would like to achieve…
4. Engage in self development to elevate my self esteem…
5. Research on products of great value to market!

I am sure that with all these activities that I have laid out to do on a daily basis and more activities to be added on progressively, I will be living my dreams and will want to show and help others how they too can achieve their dreams.

I Believe In You! I Know You Can Do It Too!

Yours Believingly

Eugene Goh

Eugene Goh has been engaging in personal development since 2002. His first self help book was Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and since then, has been engaging in personal development through reading numberous books and listening to various audio programs. Just to name a few of his favourite books are The Success Principles by Jack Canfield; Your Roadmap to Success by John Maxwell; Great Trilogy by Og Mandino and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker. He has numerous audio programs from the greats of Jim Rohn, Denis Waitley, Brian Tracy and is in a constant state of learning to learn from everyone who is willing to coach and in turn coach those who is willing to learn. To find out more about Eugene Goh, go to the following website to read his regularly updated blog.