Personal Development - We All Can Use It

Hi! I come to you today wanting to talk about personal development. And introduce you to a beautiful, talented, loving, caring women I have come to know and love today. ME!

I strongly believe in the principle “Model someone who’s already reached a goal I want to achieve”.

Living by this principle I’m privileged to have grown in my personal development in life. I can remember my dad; William A. Grieves, as I was growing up telling me I can always be what I want to be, and achieve what I wished to achieve. As most of us do in life it took me awhile to live life on life’s terms to realize what he meant by that statement.

If I may I’d like to share a fundamental truth I believe. Marketing “theories” and “concepts” aren’t enough. Especially in Personal Development.

I’ve had to analyze, understand, and model real people that are already personally thriving. I had to become privy to their most powerful assets, techniques, and secrets.

I have learned in my short 51 years of life and experiences that it’s important for me to have a balance of business sense, common sense, and coming from the heart when I interact with others.

For so long I looked to align personal values, passion and purpose with a bigger vision of life, my goals, and choices. I lacked confidence in the direction of where my life was taking me. In other words I wondered, “What Is My Path?”

Through coaching, and personal development, and following the principle belief of modeling someone who’s already reached a goal I want to achieve I have learned what makes me unique. I have stepped outside what I thought was my comfort zone. That dungeon that incased me in what I thought was a unpenetrateable wall of fear. I walk through the where, when, what, who, and how I can use my gifts and talents to serve others.

I was an editor of the North East Washington Area Narcotics Anonymous Newsletter for one and a half years, I have 17 years of sobriety and clean time. I have the freedom of bondage from drug addiction and alcoholism today. I have walked through grief issues from the loss of family friends, relationships, and job losses to name a few. I am a poet, artist, an excellent listener, and a home business owner that provides support for other home business owners.

My purpose in life naturally unfolds as I continually link my strengths, passions, values, and life story.

It’s no wonder I have the experiences I do. Its as though I was being sculpted by the Great Potter’s hand to live out the purpose I came to fulfill.

It took planning, assessing risk and reality, developing relationships, and following through. This was a process that took focus over time. Following this process you can even build a bridge and consciously create your life’s work and purpose.