Leading Beyond Excellence: Discover How to Achieve Leadership Significance and Your Personal Dreams with 7 Practical Steps

Leading Beyond Excellence: Discover How to Achieve Leadership Significance and Your Personal Dreams With 7 Practical Steps by Lisa Williams, Ph.D., Executive Publishers International, February 2005 $24.95, ISBN: 0-9726075-9-5

American society has developed a short attention span in an evergrowing, fast-paced world. Taking advantage of this attention span, Williams offers a cutting-edge leadership program and a self-discovery process.

Unfortunately, the attempt doesn't work. Her intentions are very clear, but the reader is lost after taking the "Spiral of Influence Survey" It is part of Williams's theory that the process of leading beyond excellence is best represented by a spiral because a person's inner development is a continuing process.

Trying to determine how you rate from the survey is confusing. The book relies too heavily on the survey to help the reader determine which stage they need developed, but it does not provide enough explanation of why the stages exist or what recourse can be taken. Not confusing are the weekly words of wisdom and the action steps in the book.